DMSP SSJ Boundaries

For more information about these boundaries, see Section DMSP SSJ.

Loading DMSP SSJ Boundaries

Unlike the IMAGE and AMPERE boundaries, the DMSP SSJ boundaries are not included with the package. However, routines to obtain them are. To use them, you need to install the ssj_auroral_boundary package. Once installed, you can download DMSP SSJ data and obtain a boundary file for a specified time period using ocbpy.boundaries.dmsp_ssj_files. For this example, we’ll use a single day. You can download the files into any directory, but this example will put them in the same directory as the other OCB files.

import datetime as dt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import ocbpy
import os

stime = dt.datetime(2010, 12, 31)
etime = stime + dt.timedelta(days=1)
out_dir = os.path.join(os.path.split(ocbpy.__file__)[0], "boundaries")

bfiles = ocbpy.boundaries.dmsp_ssj_files.fetch_format_ssj_boundary_files(
    stime, etime, out_dir=out_dir, rm_temp=False)

By setting rm_temp=False, all of the different DMSP files will be kept in the specified output directory. You should have three CDF files (the data downloaded from each DMSP spacecraft), the CSV files (the boundaries calculated for each DMSP spacecraft) and four boundary files. The boundary files have an extention of .eab for the Equatorial Auroral Boundary and .ocb for the Open-Closed field line Boundary. The files are separated by hemisphere, and also specify the date range. Because only one day was obtained, the start and end dates in the filename are identical. When rm_temp=True, the CDF and CSV files are removed.

You can now load the DMSP SSJ boundaries by specifying the desired filename, instrument, and hemisphere or merely the instrument and hemisphere.

# Load with filename, instrument, and hemisphere
south_file = os.path.join(out_dir,
ocb_south = ocbpy.OCBoundary(filename=south_file, instrument='dmsp-ssj',

OCBoundary file: ~/ocbpy/ocbpy/boundaries/dmsp-ssj_south_20101231_20101231_v1.1.2.ocb
Source instrument: DMSP-SSJ
Boundary reference latitude: -74.0 degrees

21 records from 2010-12-31 00:27:23 to 2010-12-31 22:11:38

YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS Phi_Centre R_Centre R
2010-12-31 00:27:23 356.72 14.02 12.13
2010-12-31 12:27:56 324.82 0.86 14.73
2010-12-31 18:49:58 233.68 6.12 14.10
2010-12-31 22:11:38 318.60 4.64 12.34

Uses scaling function(s):

# Load with date, instrument, and hemisphere
ocb_north = ocbpy.OCBoundary(stime=stime, instrument='dmsp-ssj',

OCBoundary file: ~/ocbpy/ocbpy/boundaries/dmsp-ssj_north_20101231_20101231_v1.1.2.ocb
Source instrument: DMSP-SSJ
Boundary reference latitude: 74.0 degrees

27 records from 2010-12-31 01:19:13 to 2010-12-31 23:02:48

YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS Phi_Centre R_Centre R
2010-12-31 01:19:13 191.07 10.69 8.59
2010-12-31 06:27:18 195.29 13.52 6.77
2010-12-31 21:21:32 259.27 2.73 10.45
2010-12-31 23:02:48 234.73 3.94 10.79

Uses scaling function(s):

The circular scaling function with no input adds zero the the boundaries, and so performs no scaling.

Using DMSP SSJ Boundaries

Because DMSP SSJ Boundaries are only measured along a satellite track, you cannot use these boundaries to convert between magnetic and OCB or Dual-boundary coordinates at just any location or local time. To address this issue, the ocbpy.cycle_boundary.satellite_track() function can be used to determine whether or not a location is close enough to the satellite track. This example shows the width along the linear approximation of the satellite track allowed along the Boundary latitude. The axis formatting is performed using the set_up_polar_plot function defined in the Coordinate Convertion example.

# Set up the figure
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="polar"
set_up_polar_plot(ax, hemi=ocb_south.hemisphere)

# Get the OCB location in AACGM coordinates
mlt = np.linspace(0, 24, 64)

# Plot the OCB location
ax.plot(mlt * np.pi / 12.0,
        90 + ocb_south.aacgm_boundary_lat[ocb_south.rec_ind], "m-", lw=2,

# Deterimine which OCB locations are along the satellite track
igood = ocbpy.cycle_boundary.satellite_track(
    ocb_south.x_1[ocb_south.rec_ind], ocb_south.y_1[ocb_south.rec_ind],
    ocb_south.x_2[ocb_south.rec_ind], ocb_south.y_2[ocb_south.rec_ind],
ax.plot(mlt[igood] * np.pi / 12.0,
        90 + ocb_south.aacgm_boundary_lat[ocb_south.rec_ind][igood], "ks",
        label="Measured OCB")

The default constraints for ocbpy.cycle_boundary.satellite_track() allow a 1 degree deviation in either Cartesian direction and a maximum distance of 5 degrees equatorward of the Boundary.

lat = np.arange(-90, -60, 1)
grid_mlt, grid_lat = np.meshgrid(mlt, lat)
grid_mlt = grid_mlt.flatten()
grid_lat = grid_lat.flatten()

igood = ocbpy.cycle_boundary.satellite_track(
    grid_lat, grid_mlt, ocb_south.x_1[ocb_south.rec_ind],
    ocb_south.y_1[ocb_south.rec_ind], ocb_south.x_2[ocb_south.rec_ind],
    ocb_south.y_2[ocb_south.rec_ind], hemisphere=ocb_south.hemisphere)
ax.plot(grid_mlt[~igood] * np.pi / 12.0, 90 + grid_lat[~igood], ".",
        color="palegreen", label="Data", zorder=1)
ax.plot(grid_mlt[igood] * np.pi / 12.0, 90 + grid_lat[igood], "g.",
        label="Satellite track data")
ax.legend(loc=2, title="{:}".format(ocb_south.dtime[ocb_south.rec_ind]),
          bbox_to_anchor=(-0.4, 1.15))

Note that because the OCB is determined based off of only two points, the OCB MLT is not very accurate. With poorly defined OCBs, we recommend using only the gridded latitude along the satellite track.