Source code for ocbpy.ocb_scaling

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2017, AGB & GC
# Full license can be found in
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"""Scale data affected by magnetic field direction or electric field.

.. [1] Chisham, G. (2017), A new methodology for the development of
   high-latitude ionospheric climatologies and empirical models, Journal of
   Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 122, doi:10.1002/2016JA023235.


import numpy as np

import ocbpy

[docs]class VectorData(object): """Object containing a vector data. Parameters ---------- dat_ind : int or array-like Data index (zero offset) for the input ocb_ind : int or array-like OCBoundary or DualBoundary record index matched to this data index (zero offset) aacgm_lat : float or array-like Vector AACGM latitude (degrees) aacgm_mlt : float or array-like Vector AACGM MLT (hours) ocb_lat : float or array-like Vector OCB latitude (degrees) (default=np.nan) ocb_mlt : float or array-like Vector OCB MLT (hours) (default=np.nan) aacgm_n : float or array-like AACGM North pointing vector (positive towards North) (default=0.0) aacgm_e : float or array-like AACGM East pointing vector (completes right-handed coordinate system (default = 0.0) aacgm_z : float or array-like AACGM Vertical pointing vector (positive down) (default=0.0) aacgm_mag : float or array-like Vector magnitude (default=np.nan) dat_name : str Data name (default=None) dat_units : str Data units (default=None) scale_func : function Function for scaling AACGM magnitude with arguements: [measurement value, mesurement AACGM latitude (degrees), mesurement OCB latitude (degrees)] (default=None) Attributes ---------- vshape : array-like Shape of output data unscaled_r : float or array-like Radius of polar cap in degrees scaled_r : float or array-like Radius of normalised OCB polar cap in degrees ocb_n : float or array-like OCB north component of data vector (default=np.nan) ocb_e : float or array-like OCB east component of data vector (default=np.nan) ocb_z : float or array-like OCB vertical component of data vector (default=np.nan) ocb_mag : float or array-like OCB magnitude of data vector (default=np.nan) ocb_quad : int or array-like AACGM quadrant of OCB pole (default=0) vec_quad : int or array-like AACGM quadrant of Vector (default=0) pole_angle : float or array-like Angle at vector location appended by AACGM and OCB poles in degrees (default=np.nan) aacgm_naz : float or array-like AACGM north azimuth of data vector in degrees (default=np.nan) ocb_aacgm_lat : float or array-like AACGM latitude of OCB pole in degrees (default=np.nan) ocb_aacgm_mlt : float or array-like AACGM MLT of OCB pole in hours (default=np.nan) Notes ----- May only handle one data type, so scale_func cannot be an array """ def __init__(self, dat_ind, ocb_ind, aacgm_lat, aacgm_mlt, ocb_lat=np.nan, ocb_mlt=np.nan, r_corr=np.nan, aacgm_n=0.0, aacgm_e=0.0, aacgm_z=0.0, aacgm_mag=np.nan, dat_name=None, dat_units=None, scale_func=None): # Assign the vector data name and units self.dat_name = dat_name self.dat_units = dat_units # Assign the data and OCB indices self.dat_ind = dat_ind self.ocb_ind = ocb_ind # Assign the AACGM vector values and location self.aacgm_n = aacgm_n self.aacgm_e = aacgm_e self.aacgm_z = aacgm_z self.aacgm_lat = aacgm_lat self.aacgm_mlt = aacgm_mlt # Test the initalization shape and update the vector shapes if needed self._test_update_vector_shape() # Assign the vector magnitude(s) self.aacgm_mag = aacgm_mag # Assign the OCB vector default values self.ocb_lat = ocb_lat self.ocb_mlt = ocb_mlt self.r_corr = r_corr self._test_update_bound_shape() # Assign the initial OCB vector default values and location, as well as # the default pole locations, relative angles, and quadrants self.clear_data() # Assign the vector scaling function self.scale_func = scale_func return def __repr__(self): """Provide an evaluatable representation of the VectorData object.""" # Format the function representations if self.scale_func is None: repr_func = self.scale_func.__repr__() else: repr_func = ".".join([self.scale_func.__module__, self.scale_func.__name__]) # Format the base output out = "".join(["ocbpy.ocb_scaling.VectorData(", repr(self.dat_ind), ", ", repr(self.ocb_ind), ", ", repr(self.aacgm_lat), ", ", repr(self.aacgm_mlt), ", ocb_lat=", repr(self.ocb_lat), ", ocb_mlt=", repr(self.ocb_mlt), ", r_corr=", repr(self.r_corr), ", aacgm_n=", repr(self.aacgm_n), ", aacgm_e=", repr(self.aacgm_e), ", aacgm_z=", repr(self.aacgm_z), ", aacgm_mag=", repr(self.aacgm_mag), ", dat_name=", repr(self.dat_name), ", dat_units=", repr(self.dat_units), ", scale_func=", repr_func, ")"]) # Reformat the numpy representations out = out.replace('array', 'numpy.array') return out def __str__(self): """Provide user readable representation of the VectorData object.""" out = "Vector data:" if self.dat_name is not None: out += " {:s}".format(self.dat_name) if self.dat_units is not None: out += " ({:s})".format(self.dat_units) out += "\nData Index {:}\tBoundary Index {:}\n".format(self.dat_ind, self.ocb_ind) out += "-------------------------------------------\n" # Print AACGM vector location(s) if self.dat_ind.shape == () and self.ocb_ind.shape == (): out += "Locations: [Mag. Lat. (degrees), MLT (hours)]\n" out += " AACGM: [{:.3f}, {:.3f}]\n".format(self.aacgm_lat, self.aacgm_mlt) out += " OCB: [{:.3f}, {:.3f}]\n".format(self.ocb_lat, self.ocb_mlt) else: out += "Locations: [Mag. Lat. (degrees), MLT (hours), Index]\n" if self.dat_ind.shape == self.ocb_ind.shape: for i, dind in enumerate(self.dat_ind): out += " AACGM: [{:.3f}, {:.3f}, {:d}]\n".format( self.aacgm_lat[i], self.aacgm_mlt[i], dind) out += " OCB: [{:.3f}, {:.3f}, {:d}]\n".format( self.ocb_lat[i], self.ocb_mlt[i], self.ocb_ind[i]) elif self.ocb_ind.shape == (): for i, dind in enumerate(self.dat_ind): out += " AACGM: [{:.3f}, {:.3f}, {:d}]\n".format( self.aacgm_lat[i], self.aacgm_mlt[i], dind) if self.ocb_lat.shape == () and np.isnan(self.ocb_lat): out += " OCB: [nan, nan, {:d}]\n".format( self.ocb_ind) else: out += " OCB: [{:.3f}, {:.3f}, {:d}]\n".format( self.ocb_lat[i], self.ocb_mlt[i], self.ocb_ind) else: out += " AACGM: [{:.3f}, {:.3f}, {:d}]\n".format( self.aacgm_lat, self.aacgm_mlt, self.dat_ind) for i, oind in enumerate(self.ocb_ind): out += " OCB: [{:.3f}, {:.3f}, {:d}]\n".format( self.ocb_lat[i], self.ocb_mlt[i], oind) out += "\n-------------------------------------------\n" if self.aacgm_mag.shape == () and self.ocb_mag.shape == (): out += "Value: Magnitude [N, E, Z]\n" out += "AACGM: {:.3g} [{:.3g}".format(self.aacgm_mag, self.aacgm_n) out += ", {:.3g}, {:.3g}]\n".format(self.aacgm_e, self.aacgm_z) if not np.isnan(self.ocb_mag): out += " OCB: {:.3g} [{:.3g}".format(self.ocb_mag, self.ocb_n) out += ", {:.3g}, {:.3g}]\n".format(self.ocb_e, self.ocb_z) else: out += "Value: Magnitude [N, E, Z] Index\n" for i, mag in enumerate(self.ocb_mag): if self.aacgm_mag.shape == () and i == 0: out += "AACGM: {:.3g} [".format(self.aacgm_mag) out += "{:.3g}, {:.3g}, {:.3g}] {:d}\n".format( self.aacgm_n, self.aacgm_e, self.aacgm_z, self.dat_ind) elif self.aacgm_mag.shape != (): out += "AACGM: {:.3g} [".format(self.aacgm_mag[i]) out += "{:.3g}, {:.3g}, {:.3g}] ".format( self.aacgm_n[i], self.aacgm_e[i], self.aacgm_z[i]) out += "{:d}\n".format(self.dat_ind[i]) if not np.isnan(mag): out += " OCB: {:.3g} [{:.3g}, ".format(mag, self.ocb_n[i]) out += "{:.3g}, ".format(self.ocb_e[i]) out += "{:.3g}] {:d}\n".format( self.ocb_z[i], self.ocb_ind if self.ocb_ind.shape == () else self.ocb_ind[i]) out += "\n-------------------------------------------\n" if self.scale_func is None: out += "No magnitude scaling function provided\n" else: out += "Scaling function: {:s}\n".format(self.scale_func.__name__) return out def __setattr__(self, name, value): """Set attributes based on their type. Parameters ---------- name : str Attribute name to be assigned to VectorData value Value (any type) to be assigned to attribute specified by name """ # Determine the desired output type out_val = np.asarray(value) type_str = str(out_val.dtype) if type_str.find('int') < 0 and type_str.find('float') < 0: out_val = value # Use Object to avoid recursion super(VectorData, self).__setattr__(name, out_val) return def _ocb_attr_setter(self, ocb_name, ocb_val): """Set OCB attributes. Parameters ---------- ocb_name : str OCB attribute name value Value (any type) to be assigned to attribute specified by name """ # Ensure the shape is correct if np.asarray(ocb_val).shape == () and self.ocb_ind.shape != (): ocb_val = np.full(shape=self.ocb_ind.shape, fill_value=ocb_val) self.__setattr__(ocb_name, ocb_val) return def _test_update_vector_shape(self): """Test and update the shape of the VectorData attributes. Raises ------ ValueError If mismatches in the attribute shapes are encountered Notes ----- Sets the `vshape` attribute and updates the shape of `aacgm_n`, `aacgm_e`, and `aacgm_z` if needed """ # Get the required input shapes vshapes = [self.aacgm_lat.shape, self.aacgm_mlt.shape, self.dat_ind.shape, self.aacgm_n.shape, self.aacgm_e.shape, self.aacgm_z.shape] vshapes = np.unique(np.asarray(vshapes, dtype=object)) # Determine the desired shape self.vshape = () if len(vshapes) == 0 else vshapes.max() # Evaluate for potential mismatched attributes if len(vshapes) > 2 or (len(vshapes) == 2 and min(vshapes) != ()): raise ValueError('mismatched dimensions for VectorData inputs') if len(vshapes) > 1 and min(vshapes) == (): if self.dat_ind.shape == (): raise ValueError('data index shape must match vector shape') # Vector input needs to be the same length if self.aacgm_n.shape == (): self.aacgm_n = np.full(shape=self.vshape, fill_value=self.aacgm_n) if self.aacgm_e.shape == (): self.aacgm_e = np.full(shape=self.vshape, fill_value=self.aacgm_e) if self.aacgm_z.shape == (): self.aacgm_z = np.full(shape=self.vshape, fill_value=self.aacgm_z) return def _test_update_bound_shape(self): """Test and update the shape of the VectorData boundary attributes. Raises ------ ValueError If mismatches in the attribute shapes are encountered Notes ----- Updates the shape of `aacgm_n`, `aacgm_e`, and `aacgm_z` if needed """ # Test the OCB input shape oshapes = np.unique([self.ocb_lat.shape, self.ocb_mlt.shape, self.r_corr.shape]) oshape = () if len(oshapes) == 0 else oshapes.max() if(oshape != self.ocb_ind.shape or len(oshapes) > 2 or (len(oshapes) == 2 and min(oshapes) != ())): raise ValueError('OCB index and input shapes mismatched') # Compare and update the vector data shape if needed if self.ocb_ind.shape == (): oshape = self.vshape elif self.dat_ind.shape == (): self.vshape = oshape else: oshape = np.asarray(oshape) if self.vshape.size != oshape.size or oshape != self.vshape: raise ValueError('Mismatched OCB and Vector input shapes') return @property def aacgm_mag(self): """Magntiude of the AACGM vector(s).""" return self._aacgm_mag @aacgm_mag.setter def aacgm_mag(self, aacgm_mag): # Assign the vector magnitude(s) aacgm_sqrt = np.sqrt(self.aacgm_n**2 + self.aacgm_e**2 + self.aacgm_z**2) if np.all(np.isnan(aacgm_mag)): self._aacgm_mag = aacgm_sqrt else: if np.any(np.greater(abs(aacgm_mag - aacgm_sqrt), 1.0e-3, where=~np.isnan(aacgm_mag))): ocbpy.logger.warning("".join(["inconsistent AACGM components ", "with a maximum difference of ", "{:} > 1.0e-3".format( abs(aacgm_mag - aacgm_sqrt).max())])) self._aacgm_mag = aacgm_mag return @property def dat_ind(self): """Data index(es).""" return self._dat_ind @dat_ind.setter def dat_ind(self, dat_ind): # Set the data indices, and clear old data if needed if not hasattr(self, "dat_ind"): self._dat_ind = dat_ind else: self._dat_ind = dat_ind # Test the data and reset if necessary self._test_update_vector_shape() # Test the boundary shape self._test_update_bound_shape() # Reset the calculated boundary data self.clear_data() # Re-calculate the AACGM magnitude self.aacgm_mag = np.nan return @property def ocb_ind(self): """Boundary index(es).""" return self._ocb_ind @ocb_ind.setter def ocb_ind(self, ocb_ind): # Set the OCB indices, and clear old data if needed if not hasattr(self, 'ocb_ind'): self._ocb_ind = ocb_ind else: self._ocb_ind = ocb_ind # Test the boundaries and reset if necessary try: self._test_update_bound_shape() except ValueError as verr: if str(verr).find('OCB index and input shapes mismatch') == 0: ocbpy.logger.warning( '{:s}, unsetting boundary inputs'.format(str(verr))) self.ocb_lat = np.nan self.ocb_mlt = np.nan self.r_corr = np.nan if self.dat_ind.shape == (): self.vshape = ocb_ind.shape # Re-test boundary shape self._test_update_bound_shape() else: # Can't figure out how to get here, but keeping for now raise ValueError(verr) # Clear the rest of the data self.clear_data() return @property def ocb_lat(self): """Boundary latitude in degrees.""" return self._ocb_lat @ocb_lat.setter def ocb_lat(self, ocb_lat): # Set the boundary latitude value and ensure the shape is correct self._ocb_attr_setter('_ocb_lat', ocb_lat) return @property def ocb_mlt(self): """Boundary magnetic local time in hours.""" return self._ocb_mlt @ocb_mlt.setter def ocb_mlt(self, ocb_mlt): # Set the boundary MLT value and ensure the shape is correct self._ocb_attr_setter('_ocb_mlt', ocb_mlt) return @property def r_corr(self): """Boundary radius correction in degrees.""" return self._r_corr @r_corr.setter def r_corr(self, r_corr): # Set the boundary radius correction and ensure the shape is correct self._ocb_attr_setter('_r_corr', r_corr) return
[docs] def clear_data(self): """Clear or initialize the output data attributes.""" # Assign the OCB vector default values and location self.ocb_n = np.full(shape=self.vshape, fill_value=np.nan) self.ocb_e = np.full(shape=self.vshape, fill_value=np.nan) self.ocb_z = np.full(shape=self.vshape, fill_value=np.nan) self.ocb_mag = np.full(shape=self.vshape, fill_value=np.nan) # Assign the default pole locations, relative angles, and quadrants self.ocb_quad = np.zeros(shape=self.vshape) self.vec_quad = np.zeros(shape=self.vshape) self.pole_angle = np.full(shape=self.vshape, fill_value=np.nan) self.aacgm_naz = np.full(shape=self.vshape, fill_value=np.nan) self.ocb_aacgm_lat = np.full(shape=self.vshape, fill_value=np.nan) self.ocb_aacgm_mlt = np.full(shape=self.vshape, fill_value=np.nan) return
[docs] def set_ocb(self, ocb, scale_func=None): """Set the OCBoundary values for provided data (updates all attributes). Parameters ---------- ocb : ocbpy.OCBoundary or ocbpy.DualBoundary OCB, EAB, or Dual boundary object scale_func : function Function for scaling AACGM magnitude with arguments: [measurement value, mesurement AACGM latitude (degrees), mesurement OCB latitude (degrees)] Not necessary if defined earlier or no scaling is needed. (default=None) """ # If the OCB vector coordinates weren't included in the initial info, # update them here if(np.all(np.isnan(self.ocb_lat)) or np.all(np.isnan(self.ocb_mlt)) or np.all(np.isnan(self.r_corr))): # Because the OCB and AACGM magnetic field are both time dependent, # can't call this function with multiple OCBs if self.ocb_ind.shape == (): # Initialise the OCB index ocb.rec_ind = self.ocb_ind # Calculate the coordinates and save the output out_coord = ocb.normal_coord(self.aacgm_lat, self.aacgm_mlt) if len(out_coord) == 3: (self.ocb_lat, self.ocb_mlt, self.r_corr) = out_coord else: (self.ocb_lat, self.ocb_mlt, _, self.r_corr) = out_coord else: # Cycle through the OCB indices for i, ocb.rec_ind in enumerate(self.ocb_ind): # Calcualte the coordinates and save the output if self.ocb_ind.shape == self.dat_ind.shape: out_coord = ocb.normal_coord(self.aacgm_lat[i], self.aacgm_mlt[i]) else: out_coord = ocb.normal_coord(self.aacgm_lat, self.aacgm_mlt) if len(out_coord) == 3: (self.ocb_lat[i], self.ocb_mlt[i], self.r_corr[i]) = out_coord else: (self.ocb_lat[i], self.ocb_mlt[i], _, self.r_corr[i]) = out_coord # Exit if the OCB coordinates can't be calculated at this location if(np.all(np.isnan(self.ocb_lat)) or np.all(np.isnan(self.ocb_mlt)) or np.all(np.isnan(self.r_corr))): return # Set the AACGM coordinates of the OCB pole if hasattr(ocb, "ocb"): iocb = ocb.ocb_ind[self.ocb_ind] self.unscaled_r = ocb.ocb.r[iocb] + self.r_corr self.scaled_r = np.full( shape=self.unscaled_r.shape, fill_value=(90.0 - abs(ocb.ocb.boundary_lat))) self.ocb_aacgm_mlt = ocbpy.ocb_time.deg2hr( ocb.ocb.phi_cent[iocb]) self.ocb_aacgm_lat = 90.0 - ocb.ocb.r_cent[iocb] else: self.unscaled_r = ocb.r[self.ocb_ind] + self.r_corr self.scaled_r = np.full(shape=self.unscaled_r.shape, fill_value=(90.0 - abs(ocb.boundary_lat))) self.ocb_aacgm_mlt = ocbpy.ocb_time.deg2hr( ocb.phi_cent[self.ocb_ind]) self.ocb_aacgm_lat = 90.0 - ocb.r_cent[self.ocb_ind] # Get the angle at the data vector appended by the AACGM and OCB poles self.calc_vec_pole_angle() # Set the OCB and Vector quadrants if np.any(~np.isnan(self.pole_angle)): self.define_quadrants() # Set the scaling function if self.scale_func is None: if scale_func is None: # This is not necessarily a bad thing, if the value does # not need to be scaled."no scaling function provided") else: self.scale_func = scale_func # Assign the OCB vector default values and location. Will also # update the AACGM north azimuth of the vector. self.scale_vector() return
[docs] def define_quadrants(self): """Define AACGM MLT quadrants for the OCB pole and data vector. Notes ----- North (N) and East (E) are defined by the AACGM directions centred on the data vector location, assuming vertical is positive downwards Quadrants: 1 [N, E]; 2 [N, W]; 3 [S, W]; 4 [S, E] Requires `ocb_aacgm_mlt`, `aacgm_mlt`, and `pole_angle`. Updates `ocb_quad` and `vec_quad` Raises ------ ValueError If the required input is undefined """ # Cast the input as arrays self.ocb_aacgm_mlt = np.asarray(self.ocb_aacgm_mlt) self.aacgm_mlt = np.asarray(self.aacgm_mlt) self.pole_angle = np.asarray(self.pole_angle) # Test input if np.all(np.isnan(self.ocb_aacgm_mlt)): raise ValueError("OCB pole location required") if np.all(np.isnan(self.aacgm_mlt)): raise ValueError("Vector AACGM location required") if np.all(np.isnan(self.pole_angle)): raise ValueError("vector angle in poles-vector triangle required") # Determine where the OCB pole is relative to the data vector ocb_adj_mlt = self.ocb_aacgm_mlt - self.aacgm_mlt neg_mask = (np.less(ocb_adj_mlt, 0.0, where=~np.isnan(ocb_adj_mlt)) & ~np.isnan(ocb_adj_mlt)) while np.any(neg_mask): if ocb_adj_mlt.shape == (): ocb_adj_mlt += 24.0 neg_mask = [False] else: ocb_adj_mlt[neg_mask] += 24.0 neg_mask = (np.less(ocb_adj_mlt, 0.0, where=~np.isnan(ocb_adj_mlt)) & ~np.isnan(ocb_adj_mlt)) large_mask = (np.greater_equal(abs(ocb_adj_mlt), 24.0, where=~np.isnan(ocb_adj_mlt)) & ~np.isnan(ocb_adj_mlt)) if np.any(large_mask): if ocb_adj_mlt.shape == (): ocb_adj_mlt -= 24.0 * np.sign(ocb_adj_mlt) else: ocb_adj_mlt[large_mask] -= 24.0 * np.sign( ocb_adj_mlt[large_mask]) # Find the quadrant in which the OCB pole lies nan_mask = (~np.isnan(self.pole_angle) & ~np.isnan(ocb_adj_mlt)) quad1_mask = (np.less(self.pole_angle, 90.0, where=nan_mask) & np.less(ocb_adj_mlt, 12.0, where=nan_mask) & nan_mask) quad2_mask = (np.less(self.pole_angle, 90.0, where=nan_mask) & np.greater_equal(ocb_adj_mlt, 12.0, where=nan_mask) & nan_mask) quad3_mask = (np.greater_equal(self.pole_angle, 90.0, where=nan_mask) & np.greater_equal(ocb_adj_mlt, 12.0, where=nan_mask) & nan_mask) quad4_mask = (np.greater_equal(self.pole_angle, 90.0, where=nan_mask) & np.less(ocb_adj_mlt, 12.0, where=nan_mask) & nan_mask) if self.ocb_quad.shape == (): if np.all(quad1_mask): self.ocb_quad = np.asarray(1) elif np.all(quad2_mask): self.ocb_quad = np.asarray(2) elif np.all(quad3_mask): self.ocb_quad = np.asarray(3) elif np.all(quad4_mask): self.ocb_quad = np.asarray(4) else: self.ocb_quad[quad1_mask] = 1 self.ocb_quad[quad2_mask] = 2 self.ocb_quad[quad3_mask] = 3 self.ocb_quad[quad4_mask] = 4 # Now determine which quadrant the vector is pointed into nan_mask = (~np.isnan(self.aacgm_n) & ~np.isnan(self.aacgm_e)) quad1_mask = (np.greater_equal(self.aacgm_n, 0.0, where=nan_mask) & np.greater_equal(self.aacgm_e, 0.0, where=nan_mask) & nan_mask) quad2_mask = (np.greater_equal(self.aacgm_n, 0.0, where=nan_mask) & np.less(self.aacgm_e, 0.0, where=nan_mask) & nan_mask) quad3_mask = (np.less(self.aacgm_n, 0.0, where=nan_mask) & np.less(self.aacgm_e, 0.0, where=nan_mask) & nan_mask) quad4_mask = (np.less(self.aacgm_n, 0.0, where=nan_mask) & np.greater_equal(self.aacgm_e, 0.0, where=nan_mask) & nan_mask) if self.vec_quad.shape == (): if np.all(quad1_mask): self.vec_quad = np.asarray(1) elif np.all(quad2_mask): self.vec_quad = np.asarray(2) elif np.all(quad3_mask): self.vec_quad = np.asarray(3) elif np.all(quad4_mask): self.vec_quad = np.asarray(4) else: self.vec_quad[quad1_mask] = 1 self.vec_quad[quad2_mask] = 2 self.vec_quad[quad3_mask] = 3 self.vec_quad[quad4_mask] = 4 return
[docs] def scale_vector(self): """Normalise a variable proportional to the curl of the electric field. Raises ------ ValueError If the required input is not defined Notes ----- Requires `ocb_lat`, `ocb_mlt`, `ocb_aacgm_mlt`, and `pole_angle`. Updates `ocb_n`, `ocb_e`, `ocb_z`, and `ocb_mag` """ # Ensure the input is array-like self.ocb_lat = np.asarray(self.ocb_lat) self.ocb_mlt = np.asarray(self.ocb_mlt) self.ocb_aacgm_mlt = np.asarray(self.ocb_aacgm_mlt) self.pole_angle = np.asarray(self.pole_angle) self.aacgm_n = np.asarray(self.aacgm_n) self.aacgm_e = np.asarray(self.aacgm_e) self.aacgm_z = np.asarray(self.aacgm_z) self.ocb_quad = np.asarray(self.ocb_quad) self.vec_quad = np.asarray(self.vec_quad) # Test input if np.all(np.isnan(self.ocb_lat)) or np.all(np.isnan(self.ocb_mlt)): raise ValueError("OCB coordinates required") if np.all(np.isnan(self.ocb_aacgm_mlt)): raise ValueError("OCB pole location required") if np.all(np.isnan(self.pole_angle)): raise ValueError("vector angle in poles-vector triangle required") # Determine the special case assignments zero_mask = ((self.aacgm_n == 0.0) & (self.aacgm_e == 0.0)) ns_mask = ((self.pole_angle == 0.0) | (self.pole_angle == 180.0)) norm_mask = ~(zero_mask + ns_mask) # There's no magnitude, so nothing to adjust if np.any(zero_mask): if self.aacgm_n.shape == (): self.ocb_n = np.zeros(shape=self.ocb_n.shape) self.ocb_e = np.zeros(shape=self.ocb_e.shape) self.ocb_z = np.zeros(shape=self.ocb_z.shape) else: self.ocb_n[zero_mask] = 0.0 self.ocb_e[zero_mask] = 0.0 self.ocb_z[zero_mask] = 0.0 # The measurement is aligned with the AACGM and OCB poles if np.any(ns_mask): if self.scale_func is None: if self.aacgm_n.shape == (): self.ocb_n = np.full(shape=self.ocb_n.shape, fill_value=self.aacgm_n) self.ocb_e = np.full(shape=self.ocb_e.shape, fill_value=self.aacgm_e) self.ocb_z = np.full(shape=self.ocb_z.shape, fill_value=self.aacgm_z) else: self.ocb_n[ns_mask] = self.aacgm_n[ns_mask] self.ocb_e[ns_mask] = self.aacgm_e[ns_mask] self.ocb_z[ns_mask] = self.aacgm_z[ns_mask] else: if self.aacgm_n.shape == (): self.ocb_n = np.full(shape=self.ocb_n.shape, fill_value=self.scale_func( self.aacgm_n, self.unscaled_r, self.scaled_r)) self.ocb_e = np.full(shape=self.ocb_e.shape, fill_value=self.scale_func( self.aacgm_e, self.unscaled_r, self.scaled_r)) self.ocb_z = np.full(shape=self.ocb_z.shape, fill_value=self.scale_func( self.aacgm_z, self.unscaled_r, self.scaled_r)) else: self.ocb_n[ns_mask] = self.scale_func( self.aacgm_n[ns_mask], self.unscaled_r[ns_mask], self.scaled_r[ns_mask]) self.ocb_e[ns_mask] = self.scale_func( self.aacgm_e[ns_mask], self.unscaled_r[ns_mask], self.scaled_r[ns_mask]) self.ocb_z[ns_mask] = self.scale_func( self.aacgm_z[ns_mask], self.unscaled_r[ns_mask], self.scaled_r[ns_mask]) # Determine if the measurement is on or between the poles # This does not affect the vertical direction sign_mask = ((self.pole_angle == 0.0) & np.greater_equal(self.aacgm_lat, self.ocb_aacgm_lat, where=~np.isnan(self.aacgm_lat)) & ~np.isnan(self.aacgm_lat)) if np.any(sign_mask): if self.ocb_n.shape == (): self.ocb_n *= -1.0 self.ocb_e *= -1.0 else: self.ocb_n[sign_mask] *= -1.0 self.ocb_e[sign_mask] *= -1.0 # If there are still undefined vectors, assign them using the # typical case if np.any(norm_mask): # If not defined, get the OCB and vector quadrants if(np.any(self.ocb_quad[norm_mask] == 0) or np.any(self.vec_quad[norm_mask] == 0)): self.define_quadrants() # Get the unscaled 2D vector magnitude and # calculate the AACGM north azimuth in degrees if self.aacgm_n.shape == (): vmag = np.sqrt(self.aacgm_n**2 + self.aacgm_e**2) self.aacgm_naz = np.degrees(np.arccos(self.aacgm_n / vmag)) else: vmag = np.sqrt(self.aacgm_n[norm_mask]**2 + self.aacgm_e[norm_mask]**2) self.aacgm_naz[norm_mask] = np.degrees( np.arccos(self.aacgm_n[norm_mask] / vmag)) # Get the OCB north azimuth in radians ocb_angle = np.radians(self.calc_ocb_polar_angle()) # Get the sign of the North and East components vsigns = self.calc_ocb_vec_sign(north=True, east=True) # Scale the vector along the OCB north and account for # any changes associated with adjusting the size of the polar cap if self.scale_func is not None: if self.unscaled_r.shape == (): un_r = self.unscaled_r sc_r = self.scaled_r else: un_r = self.unscaled_r[norm_mask] sc_r = self.scaled_r[norm_mask] if self.aacgm_z.shape == (): a_z = self.aacgm_z else: a_z = self.aacgm_z[norm_mask] vmag = self.scale_func(vmag, un_r, sc_r) vz = self.scale_func(a_z, un_r, sc_r) else: if self.aacgm_z.shape == (): vz = self.aacgm_z else: vz = self.aacgm_z[norm_mask] nan_mask = (np.isnan(vmag) | (np.isnan(ocb_angle) if ocb_angle.shape == () else np.isnan(ocb_angle[norm_mask]))) vz[nan_mask] = np.nan # Restrict the OCB angle to result in positive sines and cosines lmask = ocb_angle > np.pi / 2.0 if np.any(lmask): if ocb_angle.shape == (): ocb_angle = np.pi - ocb_angle else: ocb_angle[lmask] = np.pi - ocb_angle[lmask] # Calculate the vector components if vmag.shape == (): self.ocb_n = np.full(shape=self.ocb_n.shape, fill_value=(vsigns['north'] * vmag * np.cos(ocb_angle))) self.ocb_e = np.full(shape=self.ocb_e.shape, fill_value=(vsigns['east'] * vmag * np.sin(ocb_angle))) self.ocb_z = np.full(shape=self.ocb_z.shape, fill_value=vz) else: self.ocb_n[norm_mask] = (vsigns['north'][norm_mask] * vmag * np.cos(ocb_angle[norm_mask])) self.ocb_e[norm_mask] = (vsigns['east'][norm_mask] * vmag * np.sin(ocb_angle[norm_mask])) self.ocb_z[norm_mask] = vz # Calculate the scaled OCB vector magnitude self.ocb_mag = np.sqrt(self.ocb_n**2 + self.ocb_e**2 + self.ocb_z**2) return
[docs] def calc_ocb_polar_angle(self): """Calculate the OCB north azimuth angle. Returns ------- ocb_naz : float or array-like Angle between measurement vector and OCB pole in degrees Raises ------ ValueError If the required input is undefined Notes ----- Requires `ocb_quad`, `vec_quad`, `aacgm_naz`, and `pole_angle` """ quad_range = np.arange(1, 5) # Test input if not np.any(np.isin(self.ocb_quad, quad_range)): raise ValueError("OCB quadrant undefined") if not np.any(np.isin(self.vec_quad, quad_range)): raise ValueError("Vector quadrant undefined") if np.all(np.isnan(self.aacgm_naz)): raise ValueError("AACGM polar angle undefined") if np.all(np.isnan(self.pole_angle)): raise ValueError("Vector angle undefined") # Initialise the output and set the quadrant dictionary nan_mask = (~np.isnan(self.aacgm_naz) & ~np.isnan(self.pole_angle)) ocb_naz = np.full(shape=(self.aacgm_naz + self.pole_angle).shape, fill_value=np.nan) quads = {oquad: {vquad: (self.ocb_quad == oquad) & (self.vec_quad == vquad) & nan_mask for vquad in quad_range} for oquad in quad_range} # Create masks for the different quadrant combinations abs_mask = (quads[1][1] | quads[2][2] | quads[3][3] | quads[4][4]) add_mask = (quads[1][2] | quads[1][3] | quads[2][1] | quads[2][4] | quads[3][1] | quads[4][2]) mpa_mask = (quads[1][4] | quads[2][3]) maa_mask = (quads[3][2] | quads[4][1]) cir_mask = (quads[3][4] | quads[4][3]) # Calculate OCB polar angle based on the quadrants and other angles if np.any(abs_mask): if ocb_naz.shape == (): ocb_naz = abs(self.aacgm_naz - self.pole_angle) else: ocb_naz[abs_mask] = abs(self.aacgm_naz - self.pole_angle)[abs_mask] if np.any(add_mask): if ocb_naz.shape == (): ocb_naz = self.pole_angle + self.aacgm_naz if ocb_naz > 180.0: ocb_naz = 360.0 - ocb_naz else: ocb_naz[add_mask] = (self.pole_angle + self.aacgm_naz)[add_mask] lmask = (ocb_naz > 180.0) & add_mask if np.any(lmask): ocb_naz[lmask] = 360.0 - ocb_naz[lmask] if np.any(mpa_mask): if ocb_naz.shape == (): ocb_naz = self.aacgm_naz - self.pole_angle else: ocb_naz[mpa_mask] = (self.aacgm_naz - self.pole_angle)[mpa_mask] if np.any(maa_mask): if ocb_naz.shape == (): ocb_naz = self.pole_angle - self.aacgm_naz else: ocb_naz[maa_mask] = (self.pole_angle - self.aacgm_naz)[maa_mask] if np.any(cir_mask): if ocb_naz.shape == (): ocb_naz = 360.0 - self.aacgm_naz - self.pole_angle else: ocb_naz[cir_mask] = (360.0 - self.aacgm_naz - self.pole_angle)[cir_mask] return ocb_naz
[docs] def calc_ocb_vec_sign(self, north=False, east=False, quads=dict()): """Calculate the sign of the North and East components. Parameters ---------- north : bool Get the sign of the north component(s) (default=False) east : bool Get the sign of the east component(s) (default=False) quads : dict Dictionary of boolean values or arrays of boolean values for OCB and Vector quadrants. (default=dict()) Returns ------- vsigns : dict Dictionary with keys 'north' and 'east' containing the desired signs Raises ------ ValueError If the required input is undefined Notes ----- Requires `ocb_quad`, `vec_quad`, `aacgm_naz`, and `pole_angle` """ quad_range = np.arange(1, 5) # Ensure the required input is array-like self.ocb_quad = np.asarray(self.ocb_quad) self.vec_quad = np.asarray(self.vec_quad) self.aacgm_naz = np.asarray(self.aacgm_naz) self.pole_angle = np.asarray(self.pole_angle) # Test input if not np.any([north, east]): raise ValueError("must set at least one direction") if not np.any(np.isin(self.ocb_quad, quad_range)): raise ValueError("OCB quadrant undefined") if not np.any(np.isin(self.vec_quad, quad_range)): raise ValueError("Vector quadrant undefined") if np.all(np.isnan(self.aacgm_naz)): raise ValueError("AACGM polar angle undefined") if np.all(np.isnan(self.pole_angle)): raise ValueError("Vector angle undefined") # If necessary, initialise quadrant dictionary nan_mask = (~np.isnan(self.aacgm_naz) & ~np.isnan(self.pole_angle)) if not np.all([kk in quads.keys() for kk in quad_range]): quads = {o: {v: (self.ocb_quad == o) & (self.vec_quad == v) & nan_mask for v in quad_range} for o in quad_range} # Initialise output vsigns = {"north": np.zeros(shape=quads[1][1].shape), "east": np.zeros(shape=quads[1][1].shape)} # Determine the desired vector signs if north: pole_minus = self.pole_angle - 90.0 minus_pole = 90.0 - self.pole_angle pole_plus = self.pole_angle + 90.0 pmask = (quads[1][1] | quads[2][2] | quads[3][3] | quads[4][4] | ((quads[1][4] | quads[2][3]) & np.less_equal(self.aacgm_naz, pole_plus, where=nan_mask)) | ((quads[1][2] | quads[2][1]) & np.less_equal(self.aacgm_naz, minus_pole, where=nan_mask)) | ((quads[3][4] | quads[4][3]) & np.greater_equal(self.aacgm_naz, 180.0 - pole_minus, where=nan_mask)) | ((quads[3][2] | quads[4][1]) & np.greater_equal(self.aacgm_naz, pole_minus, where=nan_mask))) if np.any(pmask): if vsigns["north"].shape == (): vsigns["north"] = 1 else: vsigns["north"][pmask] = 1 if np.any(~pmask): if vsigns["north"].shape == (): vsigns["north"] = -1 else: vsigns["north"][~pmask] = -1 if east: minus_pole = 180.0 - self.pole_angle pmask = (quads[1][4] | quads[2][1] | quads[3][2] | quads[4][3] | ((quads[1][1] | quads[4][4]) & np.greater_equal(self.aacgm_naz, self.pole_angle, where=nan_mask)) | ((quads[3][1] | quads[2][4]) & np.less_equal(self.aacgm_naz, minus_pole, where=nan_mask)) | ((quads[4][2] | quads[1][3]) & np.greater_equal(self.aacgm_naz, minus_pole, where=nan_mask)) | ((quads[2][2] | quads[3][3]) & np.less_equal(self.aacgm_naz, self.pole_angle, where=nan_mask))) if np.any(pmask): if vsigns["east"].shape == (): vsigns["east"] = 1 else: vsigns["east"][pmask] = 1 if np.any(~pmask): if vsigns["east"].shape == (): vsigns["east"] = -1 else: vsigns["east"][~pmask] = -1 return vsigns
[docs] def calc_vec_pole_angle(self): """Calc the angle between the AACGM pole, data, and the OCB pole. Raises ------ ValueError If the input is undefined or inappropriately sized arrays Notes ----- Requires `aacgm_mlt`, `aacgm_lat`, `ocb_aacgm_mlt`, and `ocb_aacgm_lat`. Updates `pole_angle` using spherical trigonometry. """ # Cast inputs as arrays self.aacgm_mlt = np.asarray(self.aacgm_mlt) self.aacgm_lat = np.asarray(self.aacgm_lat) self.ocb_aacgm_mlt = np.asarray(self.ocb_aacgm_mlt) self.ocb_aacgm_lat = np.asarray(self.ocb_aacgm_lat) # Test input if np.all(np.isnan(self.aacgm_mlt)): raise ValueError("AACGM MLT of Vector(s) undefinded") if np.all(np.isnan(self.aacgm_lat)): raise ValueError("AACGM latitude of Vector(s) undefined") if np.all(np.isnan(self.ocb_aacgm_mlt)): raise ValueError("AACGM MLT of OCB pole(s) undefined") if np.all(np.isnan(self.ocb_aacgm_lat)): raise ValueError("AACGM latitude of OCB pole(s) undefined") # Convert the AACGM MLT of the observation and OCB pole to radians, # then calculate the difference between them. del_long = ocbpy.ocb_time.hr2rad(self.ocb_aacgm_mlt - self.aacgm_mlt) if del_long.shape == (): if del_long < -np.pi: del_long += 2.0 * np.pi else: del_long[del_long < -np.pi] += 2.0 * np.pi # Initalize the output self.pole_angle = np.full(shape=del_long.shape, fill_value=np.nan) # Assign the extreme values if del_long.shape == (): if del_long in [-np.pi, 0.0, np.pi]: if abs(self.aacgm_lat) > abs(self.ocb_aacgm_lat): self.pole_angle = 180.0 else: self.pole_angle = 0.0 return else: zero_mask = (((del_long == 0) | (abs(del_long) == np.pi)) & np.greater(abs(self.aacgm_lat), abs(self.ocb_aacgm_lat), where=~np.isnan(del_long))) flat_mask = (((del_long == 0) | (abs(del_long) == np.pi)) & np.less_equal(abs(self.aacgm_lat), abs(self.ocb_aacgm_lat), where=~np.isnan(del_long))) self.pole_angle[flat_mask] = 180.0 self.pole_angle[zero_mask] = 0.0 update_mask = (~zero_mask & ~flat_mask) if not np.any(update_mask): return # Find the distance in radians between the two poles hemisphere = np.sign(self.ocb_aacgm_lat) rad_pole = hemisphere * np.pi * 0.5 del_pole = hemisphere * (rad_pole - np.radians(self.ocb_aacgm_lat)) # Get the distance in radians between the AACGM pole and the data point del_vect = hemisphere * (rad_pole - np.radians(self.aacgm_lat)) # Use the Vincenty formula for a sphere del_ocb = np.arctan2(np.sqrt((np.cos(np.radians(self.ocb_aacgm_lat)) * np.sin(del_long))**2 + (np.cos(np.radians(self.aacgm_lat)) * np.sin( np.radians(self.ocb_aacgm_lat)) - np.sin(np.radians(self.aacgm_lat)) * np.cos( np.radians(self.ocb_aacgm_lat)) * np.cos(del_long))**2), np.sin(np.radians(self.aacgm_lat)) * np.sin(np.radians(self.ocb_aacgm_lat)) + np.cos(np.radians(self.aacgm_lat)) * np.cos(np.radians(self.ocb_aacgm_lat)) * np.cos(del_long)) # Use the half-angle formula to get the pole angle sum_sides = 0.5 * (del_vect + del_ocb + del_pole) half_angle = np.sqrt(np.sin(sum_sides) * np.sin(sum_sides - del_pole) / (np.sin(del_vect) * np.sin(del_ocb))) if self.pole_angle.shape == (): self.pole_angle = np.degrees(2.0 * np.arccos(half_angle)) else: self.pole_angle[update_mask] = np.degrees( 2.0 * np.arccos(half_angle[update_mask])) return
[docs]def normal_evar(evar, unscaled_r, scaled_r): """Normalise a variable proportional to the electric field. Parameters ---------- evar : float or array Variable related to electric field (e.g. velocity) unscaled_r : float or array Radius of polar cap in degrees scaled_r : float or array Radius of normalised OCB polar cap in degrees Returns ------- nvar : float or array Normalised variable Notes ----- Assumes that the cross polar cap potential is fixed across the polar cap regardless of the radius of the Open Closed field line Boundary. This is commonly assumed when looking at statistical patterns that control the IMF (which accounts for dayside reconnection) and assume that the nightside reconnection influence is averaged out over the averaged period [1]_. """ nvar = evar * unscaled_r / scaled_r return nvar
[docs]def normal_curl_evar(curl_evar, unscaled_r, scaled_r): """Normalise a variable proportional to the curl of the electric field. Parameters ---------- curl_evar : float or array Variable related to electric field (e.g. vorticity) unscaled_r : float or array Radius of polar cap in degrees scaled_r : float or array Radius of normalised OCB polar cap in degrees Returns ------- nvar : float or array Normalised variable Notes ----- Assumes that the cross polar cap potential is fixed across the polar cap regardless of the radius of the Open Closed field line Boundary. This is commonly assumed when looking at statistical patterns that control the IMF (which accounts for dayside reconnection) and assume that the nightside reconnection influence is averaged out over the averaged period [1]_. """ nvar = curl_evar * (unscaled_r / scaled_r)**2 return nvar
[docs]def hav(alpha): """Calculate the haversine. Parameters ---------- alpha : float or array-like Angle in radians Returns ------- hav_alpha : float or array-like Haversine of alpha, equal to the square of the sine of half-alpha """ alpha = np.asarray(alpha) hav_alpha = np.sin(alpha * 0.5)**2 return hav_alpha
[docs]def archav(hav): """Calculate the inverse haversine. Parameters ---------- hav : float or array-like Haversine of an angle Returns ------- alpha : float or array-like Angle in radians Notes ----- The input must be positive. However, any number with a magnitude below 10-16 will be rounded to zero. More negative numbers will return NaN. """ # Cast the output as array-like hav = np.asarray(hav) # Initialize the output to NaN, so that values of NaN or negative # numbers will return NaN alpha = np.full(shape=hav.shape, fill_value=np.nan) # If the number is positive, calculate the angle norm_mask = (np.greater_equal(hav, 1.0e-16, where=~np.isnan(hav)) & ~np.isnan(hav)) if np.any(norm_mask): if hav.shape == (): alpha = 2.0 * np.arcsin(np.sqrt(hav)) else: alpha[norm_mask] = 2.0 * np.arcsin(np.sqrt(hav[norm_mask])) # The number is small enough that machine precision may have changed # the sign, but it's a single-precission zero small_mask = (np.less(abs(hav), 1.0e-16, where=~np.isnan(hav)) & ~np.isnan(hav)) if np.any(small_mask): if hav.shape == (): alpha = 0.0 else: alpha[small_mask] = 0.0 return alpha