Source code for ocbpy.instruments.pysat_instruments

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2017 AGB
# Full license can be found in LICENSE.txt
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
"""Perform OCB gridding for appropriate instrument data loaded in pysat.

pysat is available at: or pypi


import datetime as dt
import numpy as np
import warnings

    import pysat
except ImportError as ierr:
    err = ''.join(['unable to load the pysat modules; pysat is available at:',
    raise ImportError("{:s}\n{:}".format(err, ierr))

import ocbpy
import ocbpy.ocb_scaling as ocbscal

[docs]def add_ocb_to_data(pysat_inst, mlat_name='', mlt_name='', evar_names=None, curl_evar_names=None, vector_names=None, hemisphere=0, ocb=None, ocbfile='default', instrument='', max_sdiff=60, min_merit=None, max_merit=None, **kwargs): """Covert the location of pysat data into OCB, EAB, or Dual coordinates. Parameters ---------- pysat_inst : pysat.Instrument pysat.Instrument class object containing magnetic coordinates mlat_name : str Instrument data key or column for magnetic latitudes (default='') mlt_name : str Instrument data key or column for magnetic local times (default='') evar_names : list or NoneType List of Instrument data keys or columns pointing to measurements that are proportional to the electric field (E); e.g. ion drift (default=None) curl_evar_names : list or NoneType List of Instrument data keys or columns pointing to measurements that are proportional to the curl of E; e.g. ion vorticity (default=None) vector_names : dict or NoneType Dict of Instrument data keys or columns pointing to measurements that are vectors that are proportional to either E or the curl of E. The key should correspond to one of the values in the evar_names or curl_evar_names list. If this is not done, a scaling function must be provided. The value corresponding to each key must be a dict that indicates the names holding data needed to initialise the ocbpy.ocb_scaling.VectorData object (default=None) hemisphere : int Hemisphere to process (can only do one at a time). 1=Northern, -1=Southern, 0=Determine from data (default=0) ocb : ocbpy.OCBoundary, ocbpy.DualBoundary, or NoneType OCBoundary or DualBoundary object with data loaded already. If None, looks to `ocbfile` and creates an OCBoundary object. (default=None) ocbfile : str file containing the required OC boundary data sorted by time, ignorned if OCBoundary object supplied (default='default') instrument : str Instrument providing the OCBoundaries. Requires 'image' or 'ampere' if a file is provided. If using filename='default', also accepts 'amp', 'si12', 'si13', 'wic', and '' (default='') max_sdiff : int maximum seconds between OCB and data record in sec (default=60) min_merit : float or NoneType Minimum value for the default figure of merit or None to not apply a custom minimum (default=None) max_merit : float or NoneTye Maximum value for the default figure of merit or None to not apply a custom maximum (default=None) kwargs : dict Dict with optional selection criteria. The key should correspond to a data attribute and the value must be a tuple with the first value specifying 'max', 'min', 'maxeq', 'mineq', or 'equal' and the second value specifying the value to use in the comparison. min_sectors : int Minimum number of MLT sectors required for good OCB. Deprecated, will be removed in version 0.3.1+ (default=7) rcent_dev : float Maximum number of degrees between the new centre and the AACGM pole. Deprecated, will be removed in version 0.3.1+ (default=8.0) max_r : float Maximum radius for open-closed field line boundary in degrees. Deprecated, will be removed in version 0.3.1+ (default=23.0) min_r : float Minimum radius for open-closed field line boundary in degrees. Deprecated, will be removed in version 0.3.1+ (default=10.0) Raises ------ ValueError If the pysat Instrument doesn't have the necessary data values or if the input provided is not a pysat Instrument. Notes ----- This may be run on a pysat instrument or as a custom function when loading pysat data. Examples -------- :: # Example vector name input looks like: vector_names={'vel': {'aacgm_n': 'vel_n', 'aacgm_e': 'vel_e', 'dat_name': 'velocity', 'dat_units': 'm/s'}, 'dat': {'aacgm_n': 'dat_n', 'aacgm_e': 'dat_e', 'scale_func': local_scale_func}} """ # Test the input if evar_names is None: evar_names = [] if curl_evar_names is None: curl_evar_names = [] if vector_names is None: vector_names = {} if not isinstance(pysat_inst, pysat.Instrument): raise ValueError('unknown class, expected pysat.Instrument') if mlat_name not in pysat_inst.variables: raise ValueError( 'unknown magnetic latitude name {:}'.format(mlat_name)) if mlt_name not in pysat_inst.variables: raise ValueError( 'unknown magnetic local time name {:}'.format(mlt_name)) # Test to see that the rest of the data names are present if not np.all([eattr in pysat_inst.variables or eattr in vector_names.keys() for eattr in evar_names]): raise ValueError('at least one unknown E field name') if not np.all([eattr in pysat_inst.variables or eattr in vector_names.keys() for eattr in curl_evar_names]): raise ValueError('at least one unknown E field name') # Format the new data column names olat_name = "{:s}_ocb".format(mlat_name) omlt_name = "{:s}_ocb".format(mlt_name) ocor_name = "r_corr_ocb" ocb_names = [olat_name, omlt_name, ocor_name] ocb_vect_attrs = ['ocb_n', 'ocb_e', 'ocb_z', 'ocb_mag', 'unscaled_r', 'scaled_r'] # Get a list of all necessary pysat data names pysat_names = [mlat_name, mlt_name] for pkey in evar_names: if pkey in pysat_inst.variables and pkey not in pysat_names: pysat_names.append(pkey) for pkey in curl_evar_names: if pkey in pysat_inst.variables and pkey not in pysat_names: pysat_names.append(pkey) # Test the vector names to ensure that enough information # was provided and that it exists in the Instrument object # # Continue adding to pysat names nvect = len(vector_names.keys()) vector_attrs = dict() if nvect > 0: vector_reqs = ["aacgm_n", "aacgm_e", "aacgm_z"] for eattr in vector_names.keys(): vdim = 0 if eattr in evar_names: vector_names[eattr]["scale_func"] = ocbscal.normal_evar evar_names.pop(evar_names.index(eattr)) elif eattr in curl_evar_names: vector_names[eattr]["scale_func"] = ocbscal.normal_curl_evar curl_evar_names.pop(curl_evar_names.index(eattr)) else: if 'scale_func' not in vector_names[eattr]: raise ValueError('missing scaling function for {:}'.format( eattr)) oattr = "{:s}_ocb".format(eattr) if oattr not in ocb_names: ocb_names.append(oattr) for vinit in vector_names[eattr].keys(): if vinit in vector_reqs: if vector_names[eattr][vinit] not in pysat_inst.variables: raise ValueError("unknown vector name {:}".format( vector_names[eattr][vinit])) else: if vector_names[eattr][vinit] not in pysat_names: pysat_names.append(vector_names[eattr][vinit]) if oattr not in vector_attrs.keys(): vector_attrs[oattr] = list() vector_attrs[oattr].append(vector_names[eattr][vinit]) vdim += 1 # Determine how many of the pysat names are variables pysat_var_names = len(pysat_names) if not pysat_inst.pandas_format: for pyname in pysat_names: if pyname in pysat_var_names -= 1 # Append the remaining OCB output names for eattr in evar_names: ocb_names.append("{:s}_ocb".format(eattr)) for eattr in curl_evar_names: ocb_names.append("{:s}_ocb".format(eattr)) # Extract the magnetic locations as numpy arrays aacgm_lat = np.array(pysat_inst[mlat_name]) aacgm_mlt = np.array(pysat_inst[mlt_name]) ndat = len(aacgm_lat) # Load the OCB data for the data period, if desired if ocb is None or (not isinstance(ocb, ocbpy.OCBoundary) and not isinstance(ocb, ocbpy.DualBoundary)): dstart = pysat_inst.index[0] - dt.timedelta(seconds=max_sdiff + 1) dend = pysat_inst.index[-1] + dt.timedelta(seconds=max_sdiff + 1) # If hemisphere isn't specified, set it here if hemisphere == 0: hemisphere = np.sign(np.nanmax(aacgm_lat)) # Ensure that all data is in the same hemisphere if hemisphere == 0: hemisphere = np.sign(np.nanmin(aacgm_lat)) elif hemisphere != np.sign(np.nanmin(aacgm_lat)): raise ValueError("".join(["cannot process observations from " "both hemispheres at the same time;" "set hemisphere=+/-1 to choose."])) # Initialize the OCBoundary object ocb = ocbpy.OCBoundary(ocbfile, stime=dstart, etime=dend, instrument=instrument, hemisphere=hemisphere) elif hemisphere == 0: # If the OCBoundary object is specified and hemisphere isn't use # the OCBoundary object to specify the hemisphere hemisphere = ocb.hemisphere # Ensure all data is from one hemisphere and is finite if pysat_inst.pandas_format: finite_mask = ((np.sign(aacgm_lat) == hemisphere) & np.isfinite(pysat_inst[:, pysat_names].max(axis=1))) dat_coords = [] combo_shape = [pysat_inst.index.shape[0]] else: nan_inst =[mlat_name]) >= hemisphere) finite_mask = np.isfinite(nan_inst[pysat_names].to_array().max( 'variable')) dat_coords = [coord for coord in pysat_inst[pysat_names].coords] dat_ind = np.where(finite_mask) # Test the OCB data if ocb.records == 0: ocbpy.logger.error("no data in Boundary file(s)") return # Add check for deprecated and custom kwargs dep_comp = {'min_sectors': ['num_sectors', ('mineq', 7)], 'rcent_dev': ['r_cent', ('maxeq', 8.0)], 'max_r': ['r', ('maxeq', 23.0)], 'min_r': ['r', ('mineq', 10.0)]} cust_keys = list(kwargs.keys()) for ckey in cust_keys: if ckey in dep_comp.keys(): warnings.warn("".join(["Deprecated kwarg will be removed in ", "version 0.3.1+. To replecate behaviour", ", use {", dep_comp[ckey][0], ": ", repr(dep_comp[ckey][1]), "}"]), DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) del kwargs[ckey] if hasattr(ocb, dep_comp[ckey][0]): kwargs[dep_comp[ckey][0]] = dep_comp[ckey][1] # Ensure the MLT and MLat data are the same shape if(aacgm_lat.shape != aacgm_mlt.shape or aacgm_lat.shape[0] != pysat_inst.index.shape[0]): ocb_coords = [mlt_coord for mlt_coord in pysat_inst[mlt_name].coords.keys()] if in ocb_coords: combo_shape = list(aacgm_mlt.shape) else: # Ensure MLT has time dependence ocb_coords.insert(0, combo_shape = [pysat_inst.index.shape[0]] combo_shape.extend(list(aacgm_mlt.shape)) out_mlt, _ = np.meshgrid(aacgm_mlt, pysat_inst.index) if out_mlt.shape != combo_shape: aacgm_mlt = out_mlt.reshape(combo_shape) # Expand the coordinates if the MLat coordinates are not the # same as the MLT coordinates for lat_coord in pysat_inst[mlat_name].coords: if lat_coord not in pysat_inst[mlt_name].coords: combo_shape.append(pysat_inst[lat_coord].shape[0]) ocb_coords.append(lat_coord) # Reshape the data out_lat, out_mlt = np.meshgrid(aacgm_lat, aacgm_mlt) aacgm_lat = out_lat.reshape(combo_shape) aacgm_mlt = out_mlt.reshape(combo_shape) else: ocb_coords = [] # See if the data index has more dimensions than the coordinates if len(dat_ind) > len(ocb_coords): combo_shape = list(aacgm_lat.shape) for dcoord in dat_coords: if dcoord not in ocb_coords: ocb_coords.append(dcoord) combo_shape.append(pysat_inst[dcoord].shape[0]) # Reverse and transpose the arrays combo_shape.reverse() out_lat = np.full(shape=combo_shape, fill_value=aacgm_lat.transpose()) out_mlt = np.full(shape=combo_shape, fill_value=aacgm_mlt.transpose()) aacgm_lat = out_lat.transpose() aacgm_mlt = out_mlt.transpose() # Initialise the OCB output ocb_output = dict() for oattr in ocb_names: eattr = oattr[:-4] if eattr in vector_names.keys(): for vattr in ocb_vect_attrs: ovattr = '_'.join([oattr, vattr]) ovattr = ovattr.replace('ocb_ocb_', 'ocb_') ocb_output[ovattr] = np.full(aacgm_lat.shape, np.nan, dtype=float) else: ocb_output[oattr] = np.full(aacgm_lat.shape, np.nan, dtype=float) # Cycle through the data, matching data and OCB records idat = 0 ndat = len(dat_ind[0]) if hasattr(ocb, "boundary_lat"): ref_r = 90.0 - abs(ocb.boundary_lat) else: ref_r = 90.0 - abs(ocb.ocb.boundary_lat) while idat < ndat and ocb.rec_ind < ocb.records: idat = ocbpy.match_data_ocb(ocb, pysat_inst.index[dat_ind[0]], idat=idat, max_tol=max_sdiff, min_merit=min_merit, max_merit=max_merit, **kwargs) if idat < ndat and ocb.rec_ind < ocb.records: # Find all the indices with the same time time_ind = np.where(pysat_inst.index[dat_ind[0]] == pysat_inst.index[dat_ind[0]][idat]) idat = time_ind[0][-1] if len(dat_ind) > 1: iout = tuple(dind[time_ind] for dind in dat_ind) if pysat_var_names > 1: # If there is more than one variable, need to downselect time_sel = pysat_inst[pysat_names].to_array().max( 'variable') else: time_sel = pysat_inst[pysat_names] time_mask = np.isfinite(time_sel.where( finite_mask & (pysat_inst[] == pysat_inst.index[dat_ind[0]][idat]))) vind = iout[0] else: iout = dat_ind[0][time_ind] vind = iout time_mask = None # Get the OCB coordinates nout = ocb.normal_coord(aacgm_lat[iout], aacgm_mlt[iout]) if len(nout) == 3: ocb_output[olat_name][iout] = nout[0] ocb_output[omlt_name][iout] = nout[1] ocb_output[ocor_name][iout] = nout[2] else: ocb_output[olat_name][iout] = nout[0] ocb_output[omlt_name][iout] = nout[1] ocb_output[ocor_name][iout] = nout[3] # Scale and orient the vector values if nvect > 0: # Set this value's AACGM vector values vector_default = {"ocb_lat": ocb_output[olat_name][iout], "ocb_mlt": ocb_output[omlt_name][iout], "r_corr": ocb_output[ocor_name][iout], "aacgm_n": 0.0, "aacgm_e": 0.0, "aacgm_z": 0.0, "aacgm_mag": np.nan, "dat_name": None, "dat_units": None, "scale_func": None} vector_init = dict(vector_default) for eattr in vector_names.keys(): oattr = "{:s}_ocb".format(eattr) for ikey in vector_names[eattr].keys(): # Not all vector names are DataFrame names vname = vector_names[eattr][ikey] if vname in pysat_inst.variables: # Test to see if the input is appropriately shaped if(not pysat_inst.pandas_format and len(ocb_coords) > len(pysat_inst[ vname].coords)): raise ValueError(''.join([ 'vector variables must all have the same', ' dimensions'])) if time_mask is None: vector_init[ikey] = pysat_inst[vname][iout] else: vector_init[ikey] = pysat_inst[vname].where( time_mask, drop=True).values.flatten() else: vector_init[ikey] = vname # Perform the vector scaling vout = ocbscal.VectorData(vind, ocb.rec_ind, aacgm_lat[iout], aacgm_mlt[iout], **vector_init) vout.set_ocb(ocb) # Assign the vector attributes to the output for vattr in ocb_vect_attrs: ovattr = '_'.join([oattr, vattr]) ovattr = ovattr.replace('ocb_ocb_', 'ocb_') ocb_output[ovattr][iout] = getattr(vout, vattr) if hasattr(ocb, "ocb"): unscaled_r = ocb.ocb.r[ocb.ocb.rec_ind] + ocb_output[ ocor_name][iout] else: unscaled_r = ocb.r[ocb.rec_ind] + ocb_output[ ocor_name][iout] # Scale the E-field proportional variables for eattr in evar_names: oattr = "{:s}_ocb".format(eattr) if time_mask is None: evar = pysat_inst[eattr][iout] else: evar = pysat_inst[eattr].where(time_mask, drop=True).values.flatten() ocb_output[oattr][iout] = ocbscal.normal_evar( evar, unscaled_r, ref_r) # Scale the variables proportial to the curl of the E-field for eattr in curl_evar_names: oattr = "{:s}_ocb".format(eattr) if time_mask is None: evar = pysat_inst[eattr][iout] else: evar = pysat_inst[eattr].where(time_mask, drop=True).values.flatten() ocb_output[oattr][iout] = ocbscal.normal_curl_evar( evar, unscaled_r, ref_r) # Move to next line idat += 1 # Update the pysat Instrument for oattr in ocb_output.keys(): # The update procedure is different for pandas and xarray if pysat_inst.pandas_format: set_data = {oattr: ocb_output[oattr]} =**set_data) else: set_data = {oattr: (ocb_coords, ocb_output[oattr])} = # Update the pysat Metadata eattr = oattr.split('_ocb')[0] if hasattr(ocb, "instrument"): notes = "".join(["OCB obtained from ", ocb.instrument, " data in file ", ocb.filename, "using a boundary latitude of ", "{:.2f}".format(ocb.boundary_lat)]) else: notes = "".join(["OCB obtained from ", ocb.ocb.instrument, " data", " in file ", ocb.ocb.filename, " using a ", "boundary latitude of ", "{:.2f}".format(ocb.ocb.boundary_lat), " and EAB", "EAB obtained from ", ocb.eab.instrument, " data in file ", ocb.eab.filename, "using a ", "boundary latitude of ", "{:.2f}".format(ocb.eab.boundary_lat)]) if eattr in vector_names.keys(): if vector_names[eattr]['scale_func'] is None: func_name = "None" else: func_name = vector_names[eattr]['scale_func'].__name__ notes += " and was scaled using {:}".format(func_name) eattr = vector_attrs['_'.join([eattr, 'ocb'])][0] isvector = True else: isvector = False add_ocb_to_metadata(pysat_inst, oattr, eattr, notes=notes, isvector=isvector) return
[docs]def add_ocb_to_metadata(pysat_inst, ocb_name, pysat_name, overwrite=False, notes='', isvector=False): """Update pysat metadata for OCB data. Parameters ---------- pysat_inst : pysat.Instrument pysat.Instrument class object containing magnetic coordinates ocb_name : str Data column name for OCB data pysat_name : str Data column name for non-OCB version of this data overwrite : bool Overwrite existing metadata, if present (default=False) notes : str) Notes about this OCB data (default='') isvector : bool Is this vector data or not (default=False) Raises ------ ValueError If input pysat Instrument object is the wrong class """ # Test the input if not isinstance(pysat_inst, pysat.Instrument): raise ValueError('unknown class, expected pysat.Instrument') if not overwrite and ocb_name in ocbpy.logger.warning("OCB data already has metadata") else: if pysat_name not in name = ("OCB_" + ocb_name.split("_ocb")[0]).replace("_", " ") new_meta = {pysat_inst.meta.labels.fill_val: np.nan, name, pysat_inst.meta.labels.desc: name.replace( "OCB", "Open Closed field-line Boundary"), pysat_inst.meta.labels.min_val: -np.inf, pysat_inst.meta.labels.max_val: np.inf} elif isvector: name = ("OCB_" + ocb_name.split("_ocb")[0]).replace("_", " ") new_meta = {pysat_inst.meta.labels.fill_val: np.nan, name, pysat_inst.meta.labels.desc: "".join([ "Open Closed field-line Boundary vector ", pysat_inst.meta[pysat_name][ pysat_inst.meta.labels.desc]]), pysat_inst.meta.labels.units: pysat_inst.meta[ pysat_name][pysat_inst.meta.labels.units], pysat_inst.meta.labels.min_val: pysat_inst.meta[ pysat_name][pysat_inst.meta.labels.min_val], pysat_inst.meta.labels.max_val: pysat_inst.meta[ pysat_name][pysat_inst.meta.labels.max_val]} else: # Initialize with old values labels = [ll for ll in] new_meta = {ll: pysat_inst.meta[pysat_name][ll] for ll in labels} # Update certain categories with OCB information new_meta[pysat_inst.meta.labels.fill_val] = np.nan new_meta[] = "".join([ "OCB ", new_meta[]]) new_meta[pysat_inst.meta.labels.desc] = "".join([ "Open Closed field-line Boundary ", new_meta[pysat_inst.meta.labels.desc]]) # Set the notes new_meta[pysat_inst.meta.labels.notes] = notes # Set new metadata pysat_inst.meta[ocb_name] = new_meta return