Source code for ocbpy.cycle_boundary

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Full license can be found in
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"""Routines to match and cycle through the OCboundary class records."""

import datetime as dt
import numpy as np
import warnings

from ocbpy import logger
from ocbpy import ocb_time

[docs]def retrieve_all_good_indices(ocb, min_merit=None, max_merit=None, **kwargs): """Retrieve all good indices from the OCBoundary class. Parameters ---------- ocb : ocbpy.OCBoundary or ocbpy.EABoundary Class containing the open-close field line or equatorward auroral boundary data min_merit : float or NoneType Minimum value for the default figure of merit or None to not apply a custom minimum (default=None) max_merit : float or NoneTye Maximum value for the default figure of merit or None to not apply a custom maximum (default=None) kwargs : dict Dict with optional selection criteria. The key should correspond to a data attribute and the value must be a tuple with the first value specifying 'max', 'min', 'maxeq', 'mineq', or 'equal' and the second value specifying the value to use in the comparison. Returns ------- good_ind : list List of indices containing good OCBs """ # Save the current record index icurrent = ocb.rec_ind # Set the record index to allow us to cycle through the entire data set ocb.rec_ind = -1 # Initialize the output data good_ind = list() # Cycle through all records while ocb.rec_ind < ocb.records: ocb.get_next_good_ocb_ind(min_merit=min_merit, max_merit=max_merit, **kwargs) if ocb.rec_ind < ocb.records: good_ind.append(int(ocb.rec_ind)) # Reset the record index ocb.rec_ind = icurrent # Return the good indices return good_ind
[docs]def match_data_ocb(ocb, dat_dtime, idat=0, max_tol=60, min_merit=None, max_merit=None, **kwargs): """Match data records with OCB records. Parameters ---------- ocb : ocbpy.OCBoundary, ocbpy.EABoundary, or ocbpy.DualBoundary Class containing the open-close field line, equatorial auroral boundary, or dual-boundary data dat_dtime : list-like List or array of datetime objects where data exists idat : int Current data index (default=0) max_tol : int maximum seconds between OCB and data record in sec (default=60) min_merit : float or NoneType Minimum value for the default figure of merit or None to not apply a custom minimum (default=None) max_merit : float or NoneTye Maximum value for the default figure of merit or None to not apply a custom maximum (default=None) kwargs : dict Dict with optional selection criteria. The key should correspond to a data attribute and the value must be a tuple with the first value specifying 'max', 'min', 'maxeq', 'mineq', or 'equal' and the second value specifying the value to use in the comparison. min_sectors : int Minimum number of MLT sectors required for good OCB. Deprecated, will be removed in version 0.3.1+ (default=7) rcent_dev : float Maximum number of degrees between the new centre and the AACGM pole. Deprecated, will be removed in version 0.3.1+ (default=8.0) max_r : float Maximum radius for open-closed field line boundary in degrees Deprecated, will be removed in version 0.3.1+ (default=23.0) min_r : float Minimum radius for open-closed field line boundary in degrees Deprecated, will be removed in version 0.3.1+ (default=10.0) Returns ------- idat : int or NoneType Data index for match value, None if all of the data have been searched Raises ------ ValueError If the input boundary class has an unknown cycling method name Notes ----- Updates `ocb.rec_ind` for matched value. This attribute is set to None if all of the boundaries have been searched. """ # Add check for deprecated and custom kwargs dep_comp = {'min_sectors': ['num_sectors', ('mineq', 7)], 'rcent_dev': ['r_cent', ('maxeq', 8.0)], 'max_r': ['r', ('maxeq', 23.0)], 'min_r': ['r', ('mineq', 10.0)]} cust_keys = list(kwargs.keys()) for ckey in cust_keys: if ckey in dep_comp.keys(): warnings.warn("".join(["Deprecated kwarg will be removed in ", "version 0.3.1+. To replecate behaviour", ", use {", dep_comp[ckey][0], ": ", repr(dep_comp[ckey][1]), "}"]), DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) del kwargs[ckey] if hasattr(ocb, dep_comp[ckey][0]): kwargs[dep_comp[ckey][0]] = dep_comp[ckey][1] # Initalise the data record limit dat_records = len(dat_dtime) # Ensure that the indices are good if idat >= dat_records: return idat if ocb.rec_ind >= ocb.records: return idat # Get the boundary class cycle method if hasattr(ocb, "get_next_good_ocb_ind"): cycle_method = getattr(ocb, "get_next_good_ocb_ind") cycle_kwargs = dict(kwargs) cycle_kwargs["min_merit"] = min_merit cycle_kwargs["max_merit"] = max_merit elif hasattr(ocb, "get_next_good_ind"): cycle_method = getattr(ocb, "get_next_good_ind") cycle_kwargs = {} # If the selection method differs from the default, re-select the # good indices if(min_merit is not None or max_merit is not None or len(kwargs.keys()) > 0):"updating DualBoundary good index pairs") ocb.set_good_ind(ocb_min_merit=min_merit, ocb_max_merit=max_merit, ocb_kwargs=kwargs, eab_min_merit=min_merit, eab_max_merit=max_merit, eab_kwargs=kwargs) # Re-evaluate record index if ocb.rec_ind >= ocb.records: logger.error("".join(["after updating selection criteria, ", "unable to find a good OCB record"])) return idat else: raise ValueError("boundary class missing index cycling method") # Get the first reliable boundary estimate if none was provided if ocb.rec_ind < 0: cycle_method(**cycle_kwargs) if ocb.rec_ind >= ocb.records: logger.error("unable to find a good OCB record") return idat else:"".join(["found first good OCB record at ", "{:}".format(ocb.dtime[ocb.rec_ind])])) # Cycle past data occuring before the specified OC boundary point first_ocb = ocb.dtime[ocb.rec_ind] - dt.timedelta(seconds=max_tol) while dat_dtime[idat] < first_ocb: idat += 1 if idat >= dat_records: logger.error("".join(["no input data close enough to the ", "first record"])) return None # If the times match, return if ocb.dtime[ocb.rec_ind] == dat_dtime[idat]: return idat # If the times don't match, cycle through both datasets until they do while idat < dat_records and ocb.rec_ind < ocb.records: # Increase the OCB index until one lies within the desired boundary sdiff = (ocb.dtime[ocb.rec_ind] - dat_dtime[idat]).total_seconds() if sdiff < -max_tol: # Cycle to the next OCB value since the lowest vorticity value # is in the future cycle_method(**cycle_kwargs) elif sdiff > max_tol: # Cycle to the next value if no OCB values were close enough"".join(["no OCB data available within [", "{:d} s] of input measurement".format(max_tol), " at [{:}]".format(dat_dtime[idat])])) idat += 1 else: # Make sure this is the OCB value closest to the input record last_sdiff = sdiff last_iocb = ocb.rec_ind cycle_method(**cycle_kwargs) if ocb.rec_ind < ocb.records: sdiff = (ocb.dtime[ocb.rec_ind] - dat_dtime[idat]).total_seconds() while abs(sdiff) < abs(last_sdiff): last_sdiff = sdiff last_iocb = ocb.rec_ind cycle_method(**cycle_kwargs) if ocb.rec_ind < ocb.records: sdiff = (ocb.dtime[ocb.rec_ind] - dat_dtime[idat]).total_seconds() sdiff = last_sdiff # Set the output boundary index ocb.rec_ind = last_iocb # Return the requested indices return idat # Return from the last loop if idat == 0 and abs(sdiff) > max_tol:"".join(["no OCB data available within ", "[{:d} s] of first measurement ".format(max_tol), "[{:}]".format(dat_dtime[idat])])) idat = None return idat
[docs]def satellite_track(lat, mlt, x1, y1, x2, y2, hemisphere, del_x=1.0, del_y=1.0, past_bound=5.0): """Determine whether or not a point lies along the satellite track. Parameters ---------- lat : array-like AACGM latitude in degrees mlt : array-like AACGM local time in hours x1 : float Cartesian x-coordinate of the first boundary location in AACGM degrees along the Dawn-Dusk axis y1 : float Cartesian y-coordinate of the first boundary location in AACGM degrees along the Noon-Midnight axis x2 : float Cartesian x-coordinate of the second boundary location in AACGM degrees along the Dawn-Dusk axis y2 : float Cartesian y-coordinate of the second boundary location in AACGM degrees along the Noon-Midnight axis hemisphere : int Integer (+/- 1) denoting northern/southern hemisphere del_x : float Allowable distance from the track in AACGM degrees along the x-axis (default=1.0) del_y : float Allowable distance from the track in AACGM degrees along the y-axis (default=1.0) past_bound : float Allowable distance equatorward from the boundary in AACGM degrees (default=5.0) Returns ------- good : array-like Array of booleans that are True if location is along the track and False if the location falls outside of the track Raises ------ ValueError If the boundary values are negative or if an unknown hemisphere is specified """ # Evaluate the boundary input if del_x < 0.0 or del_y < 0.0: raise ValueError("x- and y-axis allowable difference must be positive") if past_bound < 0.0: raise ValueError("equatorward buffer for track must be positive") if hemisphere not in [1.0, -1.0]: raise ValueError("hemisphere expecting +/- 1") # Ensure the input is array-like lat = np.asarray(lat) mlt = np.asarray(mlt) # Get the equation of the line defining the upper and lower bounds slope = (y1 - y2) / (x1 - x2) high_int = y1 + del_y - slope * (x1 + del_x) low_int = y1 - del_y - slope * (x1 - del_x) # Determine the Cartesian coordinates of the input point rad_in = ocb_time.hr2rad(mlt - 6.0) x_in = (90.0 - hemisphere * lat) * np.cos(rad_in) y_in = (90.0 - hemisphere * lat) * np.sin(rad_in) # Calculate the upper and lower limits for each of the x-inputs y_low = slope * x_in + low_int y_high = slope * x_in + high_int good = (y_in >= y_low) & (y_in <= y_high) # Ensure the latitude is not too low if np.any(good): r1 = np.sqrt((x1 - x_in)**2 + (y1 - y_in)**2) r2 = np.sqrt((x2 - x_in)**2 + (y2 - y_in)**2) # Find which boundary is closest to the good points ione = np.where(good & (r1 <= r2)) itwo = np.where(good & (r2 < r1)) # Evaluate the closest lower boundary limit if len(lat[ione]) > 0: lat_bound = 90.0 - np.sqrt(x1**2 + y1**2) - past_bound ipast = np.where(abs(lat[ione]) < lat_bound) good[ione[0][ipast]] = False if len(lat[itwo]) > 0: lat_bound = 90.0 - np.sqrt(x2**2 + y2**2) - past_bound ipast = np.where(abs(lat[itwo]) < lat_bound) good[itwo[0][ipast]] = False # Return the boolean mask return good