Source code for ocbpy.ocboundary

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2019, AGB & GC
# Full license can be found in
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"""Hold, manipulate, and load the open-closed field line boundary data

.. [2] Angeline Burrell, Christer van der Meeren, & Karl M. Laundal. (2020).
   aburrell/aacgmv2 (All Versions). Zenodo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.1212694.

.. [3] Shepherd, S. G. (2014), Altitude‐adjusted corrected geomagnetic
   coordinates: Definition and functional approximations, Journal of
   Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119, 7501–7521,


import datetime as dt
import numpy as np
import types

import aacgmv2

import ocbpy
import ocbpy.ocb_correction as ocbcor
from ocbpy import ocb_time
from ocbpy.boundaries.files import get_default_file

[docs]class OCBoundary(object): """ Object containing open-closed field-line boundary (OCB) data Parameters ---------- filename : str or NoneType File containing the required open-closed circle boundary data sorted by time. If NoneType, no file is loaded. If 'default', `ocbpy.boundaries.files.get_default_file` is called. (default='default') instrument : str Instrument providing the OCBoundaries. Requires 'image', 'ampere', or 'dmsp-ssj' if a file is provided. If using filename='default', also accepts 'amp', 'si12', 'si13', 'wic', and ''. (default='') hemisphere : int Integer (+/- 1) denoting northern/southern hemisphere (default=1) boundary_lat : float Typical OCBoundary latitude in AACGM coordinates. Hemisphere will give this boundary the desired sign. (default=74.0) stime : dt.datetime or NoneType First time to load data or beginning of file. If specifying time, be sure to start before the time of the data to allow the best match within the allowable time tolerance to be found. (default=None) etime : dt.datetime or NoneType Last time to load data or ending of file. If specifying time, be sure to end after the last data point you wish to match to, to ensure the best match within the allowable time tolerance is made. (default=None) rfunc : numpy.ndarray, function, or NoneType OCB radius correction function, if None will use instrument default. Function must have AACGM MLT (in hours) as argument input. To allow the boundary shape to change with univeral time, each temporal instance may have a different function (array input). If a single function is provided, will recast as an array that specifies this function for all times. (default=None) rfunc_kwargs : numpy.ndarray, dict, or NoneType Optional keyword arguements for `rfunc`. If None is specified, uses function defaults. If dict is specified, recasts as an array of this dict for all times. Array must be an array of dicts. (default=None) Attributes ---------- records : int Number of OCB records (default=0) rec_ind : int Current OCB record index (default=0; initialised=-1) dtime : numpy.ndarray or NoneType Numpy array of OCB datetimes (default=None) phi_cent : numpy.ndarray or NoneType Numpy array of floats that give the angle from AACGM midnight of the OCB pole in degrees (default=None) r_cent : numpy.ndarray or NoneType Numpy array of floats that give the AACGM co-latitude of the OCB pole in degrees (default=None) r : numpy.ndarray or NoneType Numpy array of floats that give the radius of the OCBoundary in degrees (default=None) min_fom : float Minimum acceptable figure of merit for data (default=0) x, y, j_mag, etc. : numpy.ndarray or NoneType Numpy array of floats that hold the remaining values held in `filename` Raises ------ ValueError Incorrect or incompatible input """ def __init__(self, filename="default", instrument='', hemisphere=1, boundary_lat=74.0, stime=None, etime=None, rfunc=None, rfunc_kwargs=None): # Test the instrument input if not hasattr(instrument, "lower"): estr = "OCB instrument must be a string [{:}]".format(instrument) ocbpy.logger.error(estr) self.filename = None self.instrument = None else: self.instrument = instrument.lower() # If a filename wanted and not provided, get one if filename is None: self.filename = None elif not hasattr(filename, "lower"): estr = "filename is not a string [{:}]".format(filename) ocbpy.logger.warning(estr) self.filename = None elif filename.lower() == "default": self.filename, self.instrument = get_default_file( stime, etime, hemisphere, self.instrument) else: self.filename = filename # If a filename is available, make sure it is good if self.filename is not None: if not ocbpy.instruments.test_file(self.filename): # If the filename is bad, return an uninitialized object estr = "cannot open OCB file [{:s}]".format(self.filename) ocbpy.logger.warning(estr) self.filename = None # Test the hemisphere input if hemisphere not in [1, -1]: raise ValueError("hemisphere must be 1 (north) or -1 (south)") # Set the default attribute values self.hemisphere = hemisphere self.records = 0 self.rec_ind = 0 self.dtime = None self.phi_cent = None self.r_cent = None self.r = None self.rfunc = rfunc self.rfunc_kwargs = rfunc_kwargs self.min_fom = 0 # Get the instrument defaults hlines, ocb_cols, datetime_fmt = self.inst_defaults() # Set the boundary latitude, if supplied self.boundary_lat = 74.0 if boundary_lat is None else boundary_lat # Ensure that the boundary is in the correct hemisphere if np.sign(boundary_lat) != np.sign(hemisphere): self.boundary_lat *= -1.0 # If possible, load the data. Any boundary correction is applied here. if self.filename is not None: if len(ocb_cols) > 0: self.load(hlines=hlines, ocb_cols=ocb_cols, datetime_fmt=datetime_fmt, stime=stime, etime=etime) else: self.load(stime=stime, etime=etime) return def __repr__(self): """ Provide an evaluatable representation of the OCBoundary object """ # Get the start and end times stime = None if self.dtime is None else self.dtime[0] etime = None if self.dtime is None else self.dtime[-1] # Format the function representations if self.rfunc is None: repr_rfunc = self.rfunc.__repr__() else: rfuncs = [".".join([ff.__module__, ff.__name__]) for ff in self.rfunc] if len(set(rfuncs)) == 1: repr_rfunc = rfuncs[0] else: repr_rfunc = 'numpy.array([{:s}], dtype=object)'.format( ', '.join(rfuncs)) # Format the function kwarg representations if self.rfunc_kwargs is None: repr_rfunc_kwargs = self.rfunc_kwargs.__repr__() else: rfuncs_kwargs = [rkwarg.__repr__() for rkwarg in self.rfunc_kwargs] if len(set(rfuncs_kwargs)) == 1: repr_rfunc_kwargs = rfuncs_kwargs[0] else: repr_rfunc_kwargs = 'numpy.array([{:s}], dtype=object)'.format( ', '.join(rfuncs_kwargs)) # Format the output out = "".join(["ocbpy.OCBoundary(filename=", self.filename.__repr__(), ", instrument=", self.instrument.__repr__(), ", hemisphere={:d}, ".format(self.hemisphere), "boundary_lat={:f}, stime=".format(self.boundary_lat), stime.__repr__(), ", etime=", etime.__repr__(), ", rfunc=", repr_rfunc, ", rfunc_kwargs=", repr_rfunc_kwargs, ")"]) return out def __str__(self): """ Provide readable representation of the OCBoundary object """ if self.filename is None: out = "No Open-Closed Boundary file specified\n" else: out = "Open-Closed Boundary file: {:s}\n".format(self.filename) out = "{:s}Source instrument: ".format(out) out = "{:s}{:s}\n".format(out, self.instrument.upper()) out = "{:s}Open-Closed Boundary reference latitude: ".format(out) out = "{:s}{:.1f} degrees\n\n".format(out, self.boundary_lat) if self.records == 0: out = "{:s}No data loaded\n".format(out) else: out = "{:s}{:d} records from {:}".format(out, self.records, self.dtime[0]) out = "{:s} to {:}\n\n".format(out, self.dtime[-1]) if self.records == 1: irep = [0] else: irep = np.unique( np.arange(0, self.records, 1)[[0, 1, -2, -1]]) head = "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS Phi_Centre R_Centre R" out = "{:s}{:s}\n{:-<77s}\n".format(out, head, "") for i in irep: out = "{:s}{:} {:.2f}".format(out, self.dtime[i], self.phi_cent[i]) out = "{:s} {:.2f} {:.2f}\n".format(out, self.r_cent[i], self.r[i]) # Determine which scaling functions are used if self.rfunc is not None: out = "{:s}\nUses scaling function(s):\n".format(out) fnames = list(set([".".join([ff.__module__, ff.__name__]) for ff in self.rfunc])) for ff in fnames: kw = list(set([self.rfunc_kwargs[i].__str__() for i, rf in enumerate(self.rfunc) if rf.__name__ == ff.split(".")[-1]])) for kk in kw: out = "{:s}{:s}(**{:s})\n".format(out, ff, kk) return out
[docs] def inst_defaults(self): """ Get the information needed to load an OCB file using instrument specific formatting Returns ------- hlines : int Number of header lines ocb_cols : str String containing the names for each data column datetime_fmt : str String containing the datetime format Notes ----- Updates the min_fom attribute for AMPERE and DMSP-SSJ """ if self.instrument == "image": hlines = 0 ocb_cols = "year soy num_sectors phi_cent r_cent r a r_err" datetime_fmt = "" elif self.instrument == "ampere": hlines = 0 ocb_cols = "date time r x y fom" datetime_fmt = "%Y%m%d %H:%M" self.min_fom = 0.15 # From Milan et al. (2015) elif self.instrument == "dmsp-ssj": hlines = 1 ocb_cols = "sc date time r x y fom x_1 y_1 x_2 y_2" datetime_fmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" self.min_fom = 3.0 # From Burrell et al. (2019) else: hlines = 0 ocb_cols = "" datetime_fmt = "" return hlines, ocb_cols, datetime_fmt
[docs] def load(self, hlines=0, ocb_cols="year soy num_sectors phi_cent r_cent r a r_err", datetime_fmt="", stime=None, etime=None): """Load the data from the specified Open-Closed Boundary file Parameters ---------- ocb_cols : str String specifying format of OCB file. All but the first two columns must be included in the string, additional data values will be ignored. If 'year soy' aren't used, expects 'date time' in 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' format. (default='year soy num_sectors phi_cent r_cent r a r_err') hlines : int Number of header lines preceeding data in the OCB file (default=0) datetime_fmt : str A string used to read in 'date time' data. Not used if 'year soy' is specified. (default='') stime : dt.datetime or NoneType Time to start loading data or None to start at beginning of file. (default=None) etime : datetime or NoneType Time to stop loading data or None to end at the end of the file. (default=None) """ cols = ocb_cols.split() dflag = -1 ldtype = [(k, float) if k != "num_sectors" else (k, int) for k in cols] if "soy" in cols and "year" in cols: dflag = 0 ldtype[cols.index('year')] = ('year', int) elif "date" in cols and "time" in cols: dflag = 1 ldtype[cols.index('date')] = ('date', '|U50') ldtype[cols.index('time')] = ('time', '|U50') if dflag < 0: estr = "missing time columns in [{:s}]".format(ocb_cols) ocbpy.logger.error(estr) return # Read the OCB data odata = np.rec.array(np.genfromtxt(self.filename, skip_header=hlines, dtype=ldtype)) oname = list(odata.dtype.names) # Load the data into the OCBoundary object # # Start by getting the time and location in the desired format self.rec_ind = -1 dt_list = list() if stime is None and etime is None: itime = np.arange(0, odata.shape[0], 1) else: itime = list() for i in range(odata.shape[0]): year = odata.year[i] if dflag == 0 else None soy =[i] if dflag == 0 else None date = None if dflag == 0 else[i] tod = None if dflag == 0 else odata.time[i] dtime = ocb_time.convert_time(year=year, soy=soy, date=date, tod=tod, datetime_fmt=datetime_fmt) if stime is None and etime is None: dt_list.append(dtime) elif((stime is None or stime <= dtime) and (etime is None or etime >= dtime)): dt_list.append(dtime) itime.append(i) if hasattr(odata, 'x') and hasattr(odata, 'y'): # Location is given by x-y coordinates where the origin lies # on the magnetic pole, the x-axis follows the dusk-dawn # meridian (positive towards dawn), and the y-axis follows the # midnight-noon meridian (positive towards noon) # Calculate the polar coordinates from the x-y coordinates odata.r_cent = np.sqrt(odata.x**2 + odata.y**2) oname.append("r_cent") # phi_cent is zero at magnetic midnight rather than dawn, so we # need to add 90.0 degrees from the arctangent. Then convert all # degrees to their positive angles. odata.phi_cent = np.degrees(np.arctan2(odata.y, odata.x)) + 90.0 odata.phi_cent[odata.phi_cent < 0.0] += 360.0 oname.append("phi_cent") # Load the required information not contained in odata self.records = len(dt_list) self.dtime = np.array(dt_list) # Set the boundary function if self.rfunc is None: self._set_default_rfunc() elif isinstance(self.rfunc, types.FunctionType): self.rfunc = np.full(shape=self.records, fill_value=self.rfunc) elif hasattr(self.rfunc, "shape"): if self.rfunc.shape != self.dtime.shape: raise ValueError("Misshaped correction function array") else: raise ValueError("Unknown input type for correction function") # Set the boundary function keyword inputs if self.rfunc_kwargs is None: self.rfunc_kwargs = np.full(shape=self.records, fill_value={}) elif isinstance(self.rfunc_kwargs, dict): self.rfunc_kwargs = np.full(shape=self.records, fill_value=self.rfunc_kwargs) elif hasattr(self.rfunc_kwargs, "shape"): if self.rfunc_kwargs.shape != self.dtime.shape: raise ValueError("Misshaped correction function keyword array") else: raise ValueError("Unknown input type for correction keywords") # Load the attributes saved in odata for nn in oname: setattr(self, nn, getattr(odata, nn)[itime]) return
[docs] def get_next_good_ocb_ind(self, min_sectors=7, rcent_dev=8.0, max_r=23.0, min_r=10.0): """Read in the next usuable OCB record from the data file. Parameters ---------- min_sectors : int Minimum number of MLT sectors required for good OCB. (default=7) rcent_dev : float Maximum number of degrees between the new centre and the AACGM pole (default=8.0) max_r : float Maximum radius for open-closed field line boundary in degrees. (default=23.0) min_r : float Minimum radius for open-closed field line boundary in degrees (default=10.0) Notes ----- Updates self.rec_ind to the index of next good OCB record or a value greater than self.records if there aren't any more good records available after the starting point IMAGE FUV checks that: - more than 6 MLT boundary values have contributed to OCB circle - the OCB 'pole' is with 8 degrees of the AACGM pole - the OCB 'radius' is greater than 10 and less than 23 degrees AMPERE/DMSP-SSJ checks that: - the Figure of Merit is greater than or equal to the specified minimum """ # Incriment forward from previous boundary self.rec_ind += 1 while self.rec_ind < self.records: # Evaluate the current boundary for quality, using optional # parameters good = True if(hasattr(self, "num_sectors") and self.num_sectors[self.rec_ind] < min_sectors): good = False elif(hasattr(self, "fom") and self.fom[self.rec_ind] < self.min_fom): good = False # Evaluate the current boundary for quality, using non-optional # parameters if(good and self.r_cent[self.rec_ind] <= rcent_dev and self.r[self.rec_ind] >= min_r and self.r[self.rec_ind] <= max_r): return # Cycle to next boundary self.rec_ind += 1 return
[docs] def normal_coord(self, lat, lt, coords='magnetic', height=350.0, method='ALLOWTRACE'): """Converts position(s) to normalised co-ordinates relative to the OCB Parameters ---------- lat : float or array-like Input latitude (degrees), must be geographic, geodetic, or AACGMV2 lt : float or array-like Input local time (hours), must be solar or AACGMV2 magnetic coords : str Input coordiate system. Accepts 'magnetic', 'geocentric', or 'geodetic' (default='magnetic') height : float or array-like Height (km) at which AACGMV2 coordinates will be calculated, if geographic coordinates are provided (default=350.0) method : str String denoting which type(s) of conversion to perform, if geographic coordinates are provided. Expects either 'TRACE' or 'ALLOWTRACE'. See AACGMV2 for details [2]_. (default='ALLOWTRACE') Returns ------- ocb_lat : float or array-like Magnetic latitude relative to OCB (degrees) ocb_mlt : float or array-like Magnetic local time relative to OCB (hours) r_corr : float or array-like Radius correction to OCB (degrees) Notes ----- Approximation - Conversion assumes a planar surface See Also -------- aacgmv2 """ # Cast input as arrays lat = np.asarray(lat) lt = np.asarray(lt) height = np.asarray(height) # Initialize output out_shape = max([lat.shape, lt.shape, height.shape]) ocb_lat = np.full(shape=out_shape, fill_value=np.nan) ocb_mlt = np.full(shape=out_shape, fill_value=np.nan) r_corr = np.full(shape=out_shape, fill_value=np.nan) # Test the OCB record index if self.rec_ind < 0 or self.rec_ind >= self.records: return ocb_lat, ocb_mlt, r_corr # If needed, convert from geographic to magnetic coordinates if coords.lower().find('mag') < 0: # Convert from lt to longitude lon = ocb_time.slt2glon(lt, self.dtime[self.rec_ind]) # If geocentric coordinates are specified, add this info to the # method flag if coords.lower() == 'geocentric': method = "|".join([method, coords.upper()]) aacgm_lat, _, aacgm_mlt = aacgmv2.get_aacgm_coord_arr( lat, lon, height, self.dtime[self.rec_ind], method) else: aacgm_lat = lat aacgm_mlt = lt # Ensure the correct hemisphere is loaded for this data if np.any(np.sign(aacgm_lat) != self.hemisphere): if np.all(np.sign(aacgm_lat) != self.hemisphere): return ocb_lat, ocb_mlt, r_corr aacgm_lat[np.sign(aacgm_lat) != self.hemisphere] = np.nan # Calculate the center of the OCB phi_cent_rad = np.radians(self.phi_cent[self.rec_ind]) xc = self.r_cent[self.rec_ind] * np.cos(phi_cent_rad) yc = self.r_cent[self.rec_ind] * np.sin(phi_cent_rad) # Calculate the desired point location relative to the AACGM pole scalep = 90.0 - self.hemisphere * aacgm_lat xp = scalep * np.cos(np.radians(aacgm_mlt * 15.0)) yp = scalep * np.sin(np.radians(aacgm_mlt * 15.0)) # Get the distance between the OCB pole and the point location. This # distance is then scaled by r, the OCB radius. For non-circular # boundaries, r is a function of MLT r_corr = self.rfunc[self.rec_ind](aacgm_mlt, **self.rfunc_kwargs[self.rec_ind]) scalen = (90.0 - abs(self.boundary_lat)) / (self.r[self.rec_ind] + r_corr) xn = (xp - xc) * scalen yn = (yp - yc) * scalen ocb_lat = self.hemisphere * (90.0 - np.sqrt(xn**2 + yn**2)) ocb_mlt = ocb_time.deg2hr(np.degrees(np.arctan2(yn, xn))) ocb_mlt = ocb_time.fix_range(ocb_mlt, 0.0, 24.0) return ocb_lat, ocb_mlt, r_corr
[docs] def revert_coord(self, ocb_lat, ocb_mlt, r_corr=0.0, coords='magnetic', height=350.0, method='ALLOWTRACE'): """Converts the position of a measurement in OCB into AACGM co-ordinates Parameters ---------- ocb_lat : float or array-like Input OCB latitude in degrees ocb_mlt : float or array-like Input OCB local time in hours r_corr : float or array-like Input OCB radial correction in degrees, may be a function of AACGM MLT (default=0.0) coords : str Output coordiate system. Accepts 'magnetic', 'geocentric', or 'geodetic' (default='magnetic') height : float or array-like Geocentric height above sea level (km) at which AACGMV2 coordinates will be calculated, if geographic coordinates are desired (default=350.0) method : str String denoting which type(s) of conversion to perform, if geographic coordinates are provided. Expects either 'TRACE' or 'ALLOWTRACE'. See AACGMV2 for details [2]_. (default='ALLOWTRACE') Returns ------- lat : float or array-like latitude (degrees) lt : float or array-like local time (hours) Notes ----- Approximation - Conversion assumes a planar surface See Also -------- aacgmv2 """ # Cast input as arrays ocb_lat = np.asarray(ocb_lat) ocb_mlt = np.asarray(ocb_mlt) r_corr = np.asarray(r_corr) height = np.asarray(height) # Initialize output out_shape = max([ocb_lat.shape, ocb_mlt.shape, r_corr.shape, height.shape]) lat = np.full(shape=out_shape, fill_value=np.nan) lt = np.full(shape=out_shape, fill_value=np.nan) # Test the OCB index and hemisphere if self.rec_ind < 0 or self.rec_ind >= self.records: return lat, lt if np.all(np.sign(ocb_lat) != self.hemisphere): return lat, lt # Perform the coordinate transformation phi_cent_rad = np.radians(self.phi_cent[self.rec_ind]) xc = self.r_cent[self.rec_ind] * np.cos(phi_cent_rad) yc = self.r_cent[self.rec_ind] * np.sin(phi_cent_rad) rn = 90.0 - self.hemisphere * ocb_lat thetan = ocb_mlt * np.pi / 12.0 xn = rn * np.cos(thetan) yn = rn * np.sin(thetan) scale_ocb = (self.r[self.rec_ind] + r_corr) / (90.0 - self.hemisphere * self.boundary_lat) xp = xn * scale_ocb + xc yp = yn * scale_ocb + yc aacgm_lat = self.hemisphere * (90.0 - np.sqrt(xp**2 + yp**2)) aacgm_mlt = ocb_time.deg2hr(np.degrees(np.arctan2(yp, xp))) aacgm_mlt = ocb_time.fix_range(aacgm_mlt, 0.0, 24.0) # If needed, convert from magnetic to geographic coordinates if coords.lower().find('mag') < 0: # Convert from mlt to longitude lon = aacgmv2.convert_mlt(aacgm_mlt, self.dtime[self.rec_ind], m2a=True) # If geocentric coordinates are specified, add this info to the # method flag if coords.lower() == 'geocentric': method = "|".join([method, coords.upper()]) method = "|".join([method, "A2G"]) lat, lon, _ = aacgmv2.convert_latlon_arr(aacgm_lat, lon, height, self.dtime[self.rec_ind], method) # Convert from longitude to solar local time lt = ocb_time.glon2slt(lon, self.dtime[self.rec_ind]) else: lat = aacgm_lat lt = aacgm_mlt return lat, lt
[docs] def get_aacgm_boundary_lat(self, aacgm_mlt, rec_ind=None, overwrite=False, set_lon=True): """Get the OCB latitude in AACGM coordinates at specified longitudes Parameters ---------- aacgm_mlt : int, float, or array-like AACGM longitude location(s) (in degrees) for which the OCB latitude will be calculated. rec_ind : int, array-like, or NoneType Record index for which the OCB AACGM latitude will be calculated, or None to calculate all boundary locations (default=None). overwrite : bool Overwrite previous boundary locations if this time already has calculated boundary latitudes for a different set of input longitudes (default=False). set_lon : bool Calculate the AACGM longitude of the OCB alongside the MLT (default=True). Notes ----- Updates OCBoundary object with list attributes. If no boundary value is calculated at a certain time, the list is padded with None. If a boundary latitude cannot be calculated at that time and longitude, that time and longitude is filled with NaN. `aacgm_boundary_lat` contains the AACGM latitude location(s) of the OCB (in degrees) for each requested time [3]_. `aacgm_boundary_mlt` holds the aacgm_mlt input for each requested time. The requested MLT may differ from time to time, to allow easy comparison with satellite passes [3]_. `aacgm_boundary_lon` holds the aacgm_lon input for each requested time. This is calculated from `aacgm_boundary_mlt` by default [3]_. """ # Ensure the boundary longitudes span from 0-360 degrees aacgm_mlt = np.asarray(aacgm_mlt) aacgm_mlt[aacgm_mlt < 0.0] += 24.0 aacgm_mlt[aacgm_mlt >= 24.0] -= 24.0 if not hasattr(self, 'aacgm_boundary_mlt'): self.aacgm_boundary_mlt = [None for i in range(self.records)] if not hasattr(self, 'aacgm_boundary_lat'): self.aacgm_boundary_lat = [None for i in range(self.records)] if set_lon and not hasattr(self, 'aacgm_boundary_lon'): self.aacgm_boundary_lon = [None for i in range(self.records)] # Get the indices to calculate the boundary latitudes if rec_ind is None: # Create array of all indices rinds = np.arange(0, self.records, 1) else: # Create array of indices as integers rinds = np.asarray(rec_ind).astype('int') # Ensure single values are stored as an interable object if len(rinds.shape) == 0: rinds = rinds.reshape(1,) # Calculate the boundary location for each requested time for i in rinds: # If data exists here and the overwrite option is off, skip if self.aacgm_boundary_lat[i] is None or overwrite: # Calculate the difference between the output MLT and the # MLT of the centre of the polar cap, which is give in degrees del_mlt = ocb_time.hr2rad(aacgm_mlt - ocb_time.deg2hr(self.phi_cent[i])) # Calculate the radius of the OCB in degrees r_corr = self.rfunc[i](aacgm_mlt, **self.rfunc_kwargs[i]) scale_r = self.r[i] + r_corr rad = self.r_cent[i] * np.cos(del_mlt) \ + np.sqrt(scale_r**2 - (self.r_cent[i] * np.sin(del_mlt))**2) # If the radius is negative, set to NaN if len(rad.shape) > 0: rad[rad < 0.0] = np.nan else: rad = np.nan if rad < 0.0 else float(rad) # Calculate the latitude of the OCB in AACGM coordinates self.aacgm_boundary_lat[i] = self.hemisphere * (90.0 - rad) # Save the MLT at this time self.aacgm_boundary_mlt[i] = aacgm_mlt # Set the longitude at this time if set_lon: self.aacgm_boundary_lon[i] = np.asarray( aacgmv2.convert_mlt(aacgm_mlt, self.dtime[i], m2a=True)) else: estr = "".join(["unable to update AACGM boundary latitude at ", "{:}, overwrite ".format(self.dtime[i]), "blocked"]) ocbpy.logger.warning(estr) return
def _set_default_rfunc(self): """Set the default instrument OCB boundary function Notes ----- Assign a function for each time in case we have a data set with a correction that changes with UT """ if self.instrument in ["image", "dmsp-ssj"]: self.rfunc = np.full(shape=self.records, fill_value=ocbcor.circular) elif self.instrument == "ampere": self.rfunc = np.full(shape=self.records, fill_value=ocbcor.elliptical) else: raise ValueError("unknown instrument") return
[docs]def retrieve_all_good_indices(ocb): """Retrieve all good indices from the ocb structure Parameters ---------- ocb : ocbpy.OCBoundary Class containing the open-close field line boundary data Returns ------- good_ind : list List of indices containing good OCBs """ # Save the current record index icurrent = ocb.rec_ind # Set the record index to allow us to cycle through the entire data set ocb.rec_ind = -1 # Initialize the output data good_ind = list() # Cycle through all records while ocb.rec_ind < ocb.records: ocb.get_next_good_ocb_ind() if ocb.rec_ind < ocb.records: good_ind.append(int(ocb.rec_ind)) # Reset the record index ocb.rec_ind = icurrent # Return the good indices return good_ind
[docs]def match_data_ocb(ocb, dat_dtime, idat=0, max_tol=600, min_sectors=7, rcent_dev=8.0, max_r=23.0, min_r=10.0): """Matches data records with OCB records, locating the closest values within a specified tolerance Parameters ---------- ocb : ocbpy.OCBoundary Class containing the open-close field line boundary data dat_dtime : (list or numpy array of datetime objects) Times where data exists idat : int Current data index (default=0) max_tol : int maximum seconds between OCB and data record in sec (default=600) min_sectors : int Minimum number of MLT sectors required for good OCB. (default=7) rcent_dev : float Maximum number of degrees between the new centre and the AACGM pole (default=8.0) max_r : float Maximum radius for open-closed field line boundary in degrees (default=23.0) min_r : float Minimum radius for open-closed field line boundary in degrees (default=10.0) Returns ------- idat : int or NoneType Data index for match value, None if all of the data have been searched Notes ----- Updates OCBoundary.rec_ind for matched value. None if all of the boundaries have been searched. """ dat_records = len(dat_dtime) # Ensure that the indices are good if idat >= dat_records: return idat if ocb.rec_ind >= ocb.records: return idat # Get the first reliable circle boundary estimate if none was provided if ocb.rec_ind < 0: ocb.get_next_good_ocb_ind(min_sectors=min_sectors, rcent_dev=rcent_dev, max_r=max_r, min_r=min_r) if ocb.rec_ind >= ocb.records: estr = "".join(["unable to find a good OCB record in ", ocb.filename]) ocbpy.logger.error(estr) return idat else: estr = "".join(["found first good OCB record at ", "{:}".format(ocb.dtime[ocb.rec_ind])]) # Cycle past data occuring before the specified OC boundary point first_ocb = ocb.dtime[ocb.rec_ind] - dt.timedelta(seconds=max_tol) while dat_dtime[idat] < first_ocb: idat += 1 if idat >= dat_records: ocbpy.logger.error("".join(["no input data close enough ", "to first record"])) return None # If the times match, return if ocb.dtime[ocb.rec_ind] == dat_dtime[idat]: return idat # If the times don't match, cycle through both datasets until they do while idat < dat_records and ocb.rec_ind < ocb.records: # Increase the OCB index until one lies within the desired boundary sdiff = (ocb.dtime[ocb.rec_ind] - dat_dtime[idat]).total_seconds() if sdiff < -max_tol: # Cycle to the next OCB value since the lowest vorticity value # is in the future ocb.get_next_good_ocb_ind(min_sectors=min_sectors, rcent_dev=rcent_dev, max_r=max_r, min_r=min_r) elif sdiff > max_tol: # Cycle to the next value if no OCB values were close enough estr = "".join(["no OCB data available within ", "[{:d} s] of input measurement at".format(max_tol), " [{:}]".format(dat_dtime[idat])]) idat += 1 else: # Make sure this is the OCB value closest to the input record last_sdiff = sdiff last_iocb = ocb.rec_ind ocb.get_next_good_ocb_ind(min_sectors=min_sectors, rcent_dev=rcent_dev, max_r=max_r, min_r=min_r) if ocb.rec_ind < ocb.records: sdiff = (ocb.dtime[ocb.rec_ind] - dat_dtime[idat]).total_seconds() while abs(sdiff) < abs(last_sdiff): last_sdiff = sdiff last_iocb = ocb.rec_ind ocb.get_next_good_ocb_ind(min_sectors=min_sectors, rcent_dev=rcent_dev, max_r=max_r, min_r=min_r) if ocb.rec_ind < ocb.records: sdiff = (ocb.dtime[ocb.rec_ind] - dat_dtime[idat]).total_seconds() sdiff = last_sdiff ocb.rec_ind = last_iocb # Return the requested indices return idat # Return from the last loop if idat == 0 and abs(sdiff) > max_tol: estr = "".join(["no OCB data available within ", "[{:d} s] of first measurement ".format(max_tol), "[{:}]".format(dat_dtime[idat])]) return idat