Source code for ocbpy.instruments.vort

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2017 AGB
# Full license can be found in LICENSE.txt
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
""" Perform OCB gridding for SuperDARN vorticity data

Specialised SuperDARN data product, available from:

import datetime as dt
import numpy as np

import ocbpy
import ocbpy.ocb_scaling as ocbscal

[docs]def vort2ascii_ocb(vortfile, outfile, hemisphere=0, ocb=None, ocbfile='default', instrument='', max_sdiff=600, save_all=False, min_sectors=7, rcent_dev=8.0, max_r=23.0, min_r=10.0): """ Coverts the location of vorticity data from AACGM to OCB coordinates Parameters ---------- vortfile : str file containing the required vorticity file sorted by time outfile : str filename for the output data hemisphere : int Hemisphere to process (can only do one at a time). 1=Northern, -1=Southern, 0=Determine from data (default=0) ocb : ocbpy.ocboundary.OCBoundary or NoneType) Object containing open closed boundary data or None to load from file ocbfile : str file containing the required OC boundary data sorted by time, ignorned if OCBoundary object supplied. (default='default') instrument : str Instrument providing the OCBoundaries. Requires 'image' or 'ampere' if a file is provided. If using filename='default', also accepts 'amp', 'si12', 'si13', 'wic', and ''. (default='') max_sdiff : int maximum seconds between OCB and data record in sec (default=600) save_all : bool Save all data (True), or only that needed to calcuate OCB and vorticity (False). (default=False) min_sectors : int Minimum number of MLT sectors required for good OCB. (default=7) rcent_dev : float Maximum number of degrees between the new centre and the AACGM pole (default=8.0). max_r : float Maximum radius for open-closed field line boundary in degrees. (default=23.0) min_r : float Minimum radius for open-closed field line boundary in degrees (default=10.0) Raises ------ IOError If unable to open input or output file ValueError If unable to retrieve all necessary data from the input file Notes ----- Input header or col_names must include the names in the default string. """ if not ocbpy.instruments.test_file(vortfile): raise IOError("vorticity file cannot be opened [{:s}]".format( vortfile)) if not isinstance(outfile, str): raise IOError("output filename is not a string [{:}]".format(outfile)) # Read the vorticity data vdata = load_vorticity_ascii_data(vortfile, save_all=save_all) need_keys = ["VORTICITY", "CENTRE_MLAT", "DATETIME", "MLT"] if vdata is None or not all([kk in vdata.keys() for kk in need_keys]): estr = "unable to load necessary data from [{:s}]".format(vortfile) raise ValueError(estr) # Load the OCB data if ocb is None or not isinstance(ocb, ocbpy.ocboundary.OCBoundary): vstart = vdata['DATETIME'][0] - dt.timedelta(seconds=max_sdiff + 1) vend = vdata['DATETIME'][-1] + dt.timedelta(seconds=max_sdiff + 1) # If hemisphere isn't specified, set it here if hemisphere == 0: hemisphere = np.sign(np.nanmax(vdata['CENTRE_MLAT'])) # Ensure that all data is in the same hemisphere if hemisphere == 0: hemisphere = np.sign(np.nanmin(vdata['CENTRE_MLAT'])) elif hemisphere != np.sign(np.nanmin(vdata['CENTRE_MLAT'])): raise ValueError("".join(["cannot process observations from ", "both hemispheres at the same time;", " set hemisphere=+/-1 to choose."])) # Initialize the OCBoundary object ocb = ocbpy.ocboundary.OCBoundary(ocbfile, stime=vstart, etime=vend, instrument=instrument, hemisphere=hemisphere) elif hemisphere == 0: # If the OCBoundary object is specified and hemisphere isn't use # the OCBoundary object to specify the hemisphere hemisphere = ocb.hemisphere # Test the OCB data if ocb.filename is None or ocb.records == 0: ocbpy.logger.error("no data in OCB file [{:}]".format(ocb.filename)) return # Remove the data from the opposite hemisphere igood = np.where(np.sign(vdata['CENTRE_MLAT']) == hemisphere)[0] if igood.shape != vdata['CENTRE_MLAT'].shape: if len(igood) == 0: # Exit with warning if no vorticity data from this hemisphere ocbpy.logger.warning("".join(["No ", "north" if hemisphere == 1 else "south", "ern hemisphere data in file: [", vortfile, "]"])) return # Downselect vorticity data for k in vdata.keys(): vdata[k] = vdata[k][igood] # Set the reference radius ref_r = 90.0 - abs(ocb.boundary_lat) # Open the output file for writting with open(outfile, 'w') as fout: # Write header line outline = "#DATE TIME" if save_all: vkeys = [kk for kk in vdata.keys() if kk != "DATETIME"] outline = " ".join([outline, " ".join(vkeys)]) outline = " ".join([outline, "OCB_LAT OCB_MLT NORM_VORT\n"]) fout.write(outline) # Initialise the ocb and vorticity indices ivort = 0 num_vort = vdata['DATETIME'].shape[0] # Cycle through the data, matching vorticity and OCB records while ivort < num_vort and ocb.rec_ind < ocb.records: ivort = ocbpy.match_data_ocb(ocb, vdata['DATETIME'], idat=ivort, max_tol=max_sdiff, min_sectors=min_sectors, rcent_dev=rcent_dev, max_r=max_r, min_r=min_r) if ivort < num_vort and ocb.rec_ind < ocb.records: # Use the indexed OCB to convert the AACGM grid coordinate to # one related to the OCB nlat, nmlt, ncor = ocb.normal_coord( vdata['CENTRE_MLAT'][ivort], vdata['MLT'][ivort]) nvort = ocbscal.normal_curl_evar(vdata['VORTICITY'][ivort], ocb.r[ocb.rec_ind] + ncor, ref_r) # Format the output line # DATE TIME (SAVE_ALL) OCB_LAT OCB_MLT NORM_VORT outline = "{:} ".format(vdata['DATETIME'][ivort]) if save_all: for kk in vkeys: outline += "{:} ".format(vdata[kk][ivort]) outline += "{:.2f} {:.6f} {:.6f}\n".format(nlat, nmlt, nvort) fout.write(outline) # Move to next line ivort += 1 return
[docs]def load_vorticity_ascii_data(vortfile, save_all=False): """Load SuperDARN vorticity data files. Parameters ---------- vortfile : str SuperDARN vorticity file in block format save_all : bool Save all data from the file (True), or only data needed to calculate the OCB coordinates and normalised vorticity (False). (default=False) Returns ------- vdata : dict Dictionary of numpy arrays """ if not ocbpy.instruments.test_file(vortfile): return None # Open the data file with open(vortfile, "r") as fvort: # Initialise the output dictionary vkeys = ["YEAR", "MONTH", "DAY", "UTH", "VORTICITY", "MLT", "CENTRE_MLAT", "DATETIME"] if save_all: vkeys.extend(["R1BM1", "R1BM2", "R2BM1", "R2BM2", "AREA", "CENTRE_GLAT", "CENTRE_GLON", "C1_GLAT", "C1_GLON", "C2_GLAT", "C2_GLON", "C3_GLAT", "C3_GLON", "C4_GLAT", "C4_GLON", "CENTRE_MLON", "C1_MLAT", "C1_MLON", "C2_MLAT", "C2_MLON", "C3_MLAT", "C3_MLON", "C4_MLAT", "C4_MLON"]) vdata = {vk: list() for vk in vkeys} vkeys = set(vkeys) # Set the data block keys bkeys = [["R1BM1", "R1BM2", "R2BM1", "R2BM2", "AREA", "VORTICITY", "MLT"], ["GFLG", "CENTRE_GLAT", "CENTRE_GLON", "C1_GLAT", "C1_GLON", "C2_GLAT", "C2_GLON", "C3_GLAT", "C3_GLON", "C4_GLAT", "C4_GLON"], ["MFLG", "CENTRE_MLAT", "CENTRE_MLON", "C1_MLAT", "C1_MLON", "C2_MLAT", "C2_MLON", "C3_MLAT", "C3_MLON", "C4_MLAT", "C4_MLON"]] # Read the lines and assign data. Recall that blank lines in file are # returned as '\n' vline = fvort.readline() vsplit = vline.split() vinc = 0 while len(vline) > 0: if vinc == 0: # This is a date line if len(vsplit) != 4: estr = "".join(["unexpected line encountered when date ", "line expected [{:s}]".format(vline)]) ocbpy.logger.error(estr) fvort.close() return None # Save the data in the format desired for the output dict yy = int(vsplit[0]) mm = int(vsplit[1]) dd = int(vsplit[2]) hh = float(vsplit.pop()) # Calculate and save the datetime stime = " ".join(vsplit) dtime = (dt.datetime.strptime(stime, "%Y %m %d") + dt.timedelta(seconds=np.floor(hh * 3600.0))) vinc += 1 elif vinc == 1: # This is a number of entries line if len(vsplit) != 1: estr = "".join(["unexpected line encountered when number", " of entries line expected ", "[{:s}]".format(vline)]) ocbpy.logger.error(estr) fvort.close() return None # Save the number of entries nentries = int(vsplit[0]) vinc += 1 else: # This is an entry. For each entry there are three lines ninc = 0 while ninc < nentries: # Save the time data vdata['YEAR'].append(yy) vdata['MONTH'].append(mm) vdata['DAY'].append(dd) vdata['UTH'].append(hh) vdata['DATETIME'].append(dtime) for bklist in bkeys: # Test to see that this line has the right number of # columns if len(vsplit) != len(bklist): estr = "".join(["unexpected line encountered ", "for a data block ", "[{:s}]".format(vline)]) ocbpy.logger.error(estr) fvort.close() return None # Save all desired keys gkeys = list(vkeys.intersection(bklist)) for gk in gkeys: ik = bklist.index(gk) vdata[gk].append(float(vsplit[ik])) # Move to next line vline = fvort.readline() vsplit = vline.split() # All data lines for this entry have been processed, # block line incriment ninc += 1 # All entries in block have been processed, reset incriment vinc = 0 # Move to next line vline = fvort.readline() vsplit = vline.split() # Recast lists as numpy arrays for k in vdata.keys(): vdata[k] = np.array(vdata[k]) return vdata