Source code for ocbpy.instruments.supermag

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2017 AGB
# Full license can be found in LICENSE.txt
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
""" Perform OCB gridding for SuperMAG data

SuperMAG data available at:


import datetime as dt
import numpy as np

import ocbpy
import ocbpy.ocb_scaling as ocbscal

[docs]def supermag2ascii_ocb(smagfile, outfile, hemisphere=0, ocb=None, ocbfile='default', instrument='', max_sdiff=600, min_sectors=7, rcent_dev=8.0, max_r=23.0, min_r=10.0): """ Coverts and scales the SuperMAG data into OCB coordinates Parameters ---------- smagfile : str file containing the required SuperMAG file sorted by time outfile : str filename for the output data hemisphere : int Hemisphere to process (can only do one at a time). 1=Northern, -1=Southern, 0=Determine from data (default=0) ocb : ocbpy.OCBoundary or NoneType OCBoundary object with data loaded from an OC boundary data file. If None, looks to ocbfile ocbfile : str file containing the required OC boundary data sorted by time, or 'default' to load default file for time and hemisphere. Only used if no OCBoundary object is supplied (default='default') instrument : str Instrument providing the OCBoundaries. Requires 'image' or 'ampere' if a file is provided. If using filename='default', also accepts 'amp', 'si12', 'si13', 'wic', and ''. (default='') max_sdiff : int maximum seconds between OCB and data record in sec (default=600) min_sectors : int Minimum number of MLT sectors required for good OCB (default=7). rcent_dev : float Maximum number of degrees between the new centre and the AACGM pole (default=8.0) max_r : float Maximum radius for open-closed field line boundary in degrees default=23.0) min_r : float Minimum radius for open-closed field line boundary in degrees (default=10.0) Raises ------ IOError If unable to open the input or output file Notes ----- May only process one hemisphere at a time. Scales the magnetic field observations using `ocbpy.ocb_scale.normal_curl_evar`. See Also -------- ocbpy.ocb_scale.normal_curl_evar """ if not ocbpy.instruments.test_file(smagfile): raise IOError("SuperMAG file cannot be opened [{:s}]".format(smagfile)) if not isinstance(outfile, str): raise IOError("output filename is not a string [{:}]".format(outfile)) # Read the superMAG data and calculate the magnetic field magnitude header, mdata = load_supermag_ascii_data(smagfile) # Load the OCB data for the SuperMAG data period if ocb is None or not isinstance(ocb, ocbpy.ocboundary.OCBoundary): mstart = mdata['DATETIME'][0] - dt.timedelta(seconds=max_sdiff + 1) mend = mdata['DATETIME'][-1] + dt.timedelta(seconds=max_sdiff + 1) # If hemisphere isn't specified, set it here if hemisphere == 0: hemisphere = np.sign(np.nanmax(mdata['MLAT'])) # Ensure that all data is in the same hemisphere if hemisphere == 0: hemisphere = np.sign(np.nanmin(mdata['MLAT'])) elif hemisphere != np.sign(np.nanmin(mdata['MLAT'])): raise ValueError("".join(["cannot process observations from " "both hemispheres at the same time;" "set hemisphere=+/-1 to choose."])) # Initialize the OCBoundary object ocb = ocbpy.OCBoundary(ocbfile, stime=mstart, etime=mend, hemisphere=hemisphere, instrument=instrument) elif hemisphere == 0: # If the OCBoundary object is specified and hemisphere isn't use # the OCBoundary object to specify the hemisphere hemisphere = ocb.hemisphere # Test the OCB data if ocb.filename is None or ocb.records == 0: ocbpy.logger.error("no data in OCB file {:}".format(ocb.filename)) return # Remove the data with NaNs/Inf and from the opposite hemisphere/equator igood = np.where((np.isfinite(mdata['MLT'])) & (np.isfinite(mdata['MLAT'])) & (np.isfinite(mdata['BE'])) & (np.isfinite(mdata['BN'])) & (np.isfinite(mdata['BZ'])) & (np.sign(mdata['MLAT']) == hemisphere))[0] if igood.shape != mdata['MLT'].shape: for k in mdata.keys(): mdata[k] = mdata[k][igood] # Recalculate the number of stations if some data was removed for tt in np.unique(mdata['DATETIME']): itimes = np.where(mdata['DATETIME'] == tt)[0] mdata['NST'][itimes] = len(itimes) # Open and test the file to ensure it can be written with open(outfile, 'w') as fout: # Write the output line outline = "#DATE TIME NST STID " optional_keys = ["SML", "SMU", "SZA"] for okey in optional_keys: if okey in mdata.keys(): outline = "{:s}{:s} ".format(outline, okey) outline = "".join([outline, "MLAT MLT BMAG BN BE BZ OCB_MLAT OCB_MLT ", "OCB_BMAG OCB_BN OCB_BE OCB_BZ\n"]) fout.write(outline) # Initialise the ocb and SuperMAG indices imag = 0 nmag = mdata['DATETIME'].shape[0] # Cycle through the data, matching SuperMAG and OCB records while imag < nmag and ocb.rec_ind < ocb.records: imag = ocbpy.match_data_ocb(ocb, mdata['DATETIME'], idat=imag, max_tol=max_sdiff, min_sectors=min_sectors, rcent_dev=rcent_dev, max_r=max_r, min_r=min_r) if imag < nmag and ocb.rec_ind < ocb.records: # Set this value's AACGM vector values vdata = ocbscal.VectorData(imag, ocb.rec_ind, mdata['MLAT'][imag], mdata['MLT'][imag], aacgm_n=mdata['BN'][imag], aacgm_e=mdata['BE'][imag], aacgm_z=mdata['BZ'][imag], scale_func=ocbscal.normal_curl_evar) vdata.set_ocb(ocb) # Format the output line: # DATE TIME NST [SML SMU] STID [SZA] MLAT MLT BMAG BN BE BZ # OCB_MLAT OCB_MLT OCB_BMAG OCB_BN OCB_BE OCB_BZ outline = "{:} {:d} {:s} ".format(mdata['DATETIME'][imag], mdata['NST'][imag], mdata['STID'][imag]) for okey in optional_keys: if okey == "SZA": outline = "{:s}{:.2f} ".format(outline, mdata[okey][imag]) else: outline = "{:s}{:d} ".format(outline, mdata[okey][imag]) outline = "".join([outline, "{:.2f} ".format(vdata.aacgm_lat), "{:.2f} {:.2f} ".format(vdata.aacgm_mlt, vdata.aacgm_mag), "{:.2f} {:.2f} ".format(vdata.aacgm_n, vdata.aacgm_e), "{:.2f} {:.2f} {:.2f} {:.2f}".format( vdata.aacgm_z, vdata.ocb_lat, vdata.ocb_mlt, vdata.ocb_mag), " {:.2f} {:.2f} {:.2f}\n".format( vdata.ocb_n, vdata.ocb_e, vdata.ocb_z)]) fout.write(outline) # Move to next line imag += 1 return
[docs]def load_supermag_ascii_data(filename): """Load a SuperMAG ASCII data file Parameters ---------- filename : str SuperMAG ASCI data file name Returns ------- out : dict The dict keys are specified by the header data line, the data for each key are stored in the numpy array """ fill_val = 999999 header = list() ind = {"SMU": fill_val, "SML": fill_val} out = {"YEAR": list(), "MONTH": list(), "DAY": list(), "HOUR": list(), "MIN": list(), "SEC": list(), "DATETIME": list(), "NST": list(), "SML": list(), "SMU": list(), "STID": list(), "BN": list(), "BE": list(), "BZ": list(), "MLT": list(), "MLAT": list(), "DEC": list(), "SZA": list()} if not ocbpy.instruments.test_file(filename): return header, dict() # Open the datafile and read the data with open(filename, "r") as f: hflag = True n = -1 for line in f.readlines(): if hflag: # Fill the header list header.append(line) if line.find("=========================================") >= 0: hflag = False else: # Fill the output dictionary if n < 0: # This is a date line n = 0 lsplit = np.array(line.split(), dtype=int) dtime = dt.datetime(lsplit[0], lsplit[1], lsplit[2], lsplit[3], lsplit[4], lsplit[5]) snum = lsplit[-1] else: lsplit = line.split() if len(lsplit) == 2: # This is an index line ind[lsplit[0]] = int(lsplit[1]) else: # This is a station data line out['YEAR'].append(dtime.year) out['MONTH'].append(dtime.month) out['DAY'].append( out['HOUR'].append(dtime.hour) out['MIN'].append(dtime.minute) out['SEC'].append(dtime.second) out['DATETIME'].append(dtime) out['NST'].append(snum) for k in ind.keys(): out[k].append(ind[k]) out['STID'].append(lsplit[0]) out['BN'].append(float(lsplit[1])) out['BE'].append(float(lsplit[2])) out['BZ'].append(float(lsplit[3])) out['MLT'].append(float(lsplit[4])) out['MLAT'].append(float(lsplit[5])) out['DEC'].append(float(lsplit[6])) out['SZA'].append(float(lsplit[7])) n += 1 if n == snum: n = -1 ind = {"SMU": fill_val, "SML": fill_val} # Recast data as numpy arrays and replace fill value with np.nan for k in out: if k == "STID": out[k] = np.array(out[k], dtype=str) else: out[k] = np.array(out[k]) if k in ['BE', 'BN', 'DEC', 'SZA', 'MLT', 'BZ']: out[k][out[k] == fill_val] = np.nan return header, out