Source code for ocbpy.boundaries.files

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2019, AGB & GC
# Full license can be found in
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
""" Provide desired boundary file names

import datetime as dt
import itertools
import os

import ocbpy

[docs]def get_boundary_directory(): """Get the OCBpy boundary directory Returns ------- boundary_dir : str Directory holding the boundary files included in OCBpy """ boundary_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(ocbpy.__file__), "boundaries") if not os.path.isdir(boundary_dir): raise OSError("can't find the OCBpy boundary file directory") return boundary_dir
[docs]def get_boundary_files(bound='ocb'): """Get boundary filenames and their spatiotemporal ranges Parameters ---------- bound : str String specifying which boundary is desired (OCB or EAB) (default='ocb') Returns ------- boundary_files : dict Dict with keys of boundary files containing dicts specifying the hemisphere, instrument, file start time, and file end time Notes ----- IMAGE instruments are separated into WIC, SI12, and SI13 Unknown instruments should have filenames of the format, instrument_hemisphere_%Y%m%d_%Y%m%d.boundary """ hemi = {"north": 1, "south": -1} stime = {"amp": dt.datetime(2010, 1, 1), "si12": dt.datetime(2000, 5, 4), "si13": dt.datetime(2000, 5, 5), "wic": dt.datetime(2000, 5, 3), "dmsp-ssj": dt.datetime(2010, 1, 1)} etime = {"amp": dt.datetime(2017, 1, 1), "si12": dt.datetime(2002, 8, 23), "si13": dt.datetime(2002, 8, 23), "wic": dt.datetime(2002, 8, 22), "dmsp-ssj":, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) + dt.timedelta(days=1)} # List all of the files in the OCBpy boundary directory boundary_dir = get_boundary_directory() file_list = os.listdir(boundary_dir) # Add the boundary files to the output dictionary boundary_files = dict() for bfile in file_list: if(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(boundary_dir, bfile)) and bfile.find(".py") < 0 and bfile.find("README") < 0 and bfile[-3:].lower() == bound.lower()): file_info = bfile.lower()[:-4].split("_") boundary_files[bfile] = {"instrument": file_info[0], "hemisphere": hemi[file_info[1]]} if file_info[0] in stime.keys(): boundary_files[bfile]["stime"] = stime[file_info[0]] boundary_files[bfile]["etime"] = etime[file_info[0]] else: try: boundary_files[bfile]["stime"] = dt.datetime.strptime( file_info[2], '%Y%m%d') boundary_files[bfile]["etime"] = dt.datetime.strptime( file_info[3], '%Y%m%d') except ValueError as verr: err = 'Unknown boundary file present: [{:s}]\n{:}'.format( bfile, verr) ocbpy.logger.warning(err) return boundary_files
[docs]def get_default_file(stime, etime, hemisphere, instrument='', bound='ocb'): """ Get the default file for a specified time and hemisphere Parameters ---------- stime : dt.datetime or NoneType Starting time for which the file is desired; if None, will prioritize IMAGE data for the northern and AMERE data for the southern hemisphere etime : dt.datetime or NoneType Ending time for which the file is desired; if None, will prioritize IMAGE data for the northern and AMPERE data for the southern hemisphere hemisphere : int Hemisphere for which the file is desired (1=north, -1=south) instrument : str Instrument that provides the data. This will override the starting and ending times. Accepts 'ampere', 'amp', 'image', 'si12', 'si13', 'wic', 'dmsp-ssj', and '' (to accept instrument defaults based on time range). Will also accept the instrument name for any instrument whose boundary file follows the naming convention INST_HEMI_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD_*.BBB, where: INST = instrument name HEMI = north or south YYYYMMDD = starting and ending year, month, day BBB = ocb or eab (default='') bound : str String specifying which boundary is desired (OCB or EAB) (default='ocb') Returns ------- default_file : str or NoneType Default filename with full path defined or None if no file was available for the specified input constraints instrument : str Instrument for the default file (either 'ampere', 'image', or 'dmsp-ssj') """ # Get the boundary file information boundary_dir = get_boundary_directory() boundary_files = get_boundary_files(bound=bound) # Determine the list of acceptable instruments long_to_short = {"ampere": ["amp"], "image": ["si12", "si13", "wic"], "dmsp-ssj": ["dmsp-ssj"]} if len(instrument) == 0: inst = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(long_to_short.values())) elif instrument in long_to_short.keys(): inst = long_to_short[instrument] else: inst = [instrument] # Make a list of appropriate boundary files good_files = list() for bfile, bdict in list(boundary_files.items()): # Select by hemisphere if bdict['hemisphere'] == hemisphere: # Select by instrument if bdict['instrument'] in inst: # Select by time if(stime is None or etime is None or (stime <= bdict['etime'] and etime >= bdict['stime'])): good_files.append(bfile) # Get the default file and instrument (returning at most one) short_to_long = {"amp": "ampere", "si12": "image", "si13": "image", "wic": "image"} if len(good_files) == 0: estr = "".join(["no boundary file available for ", ", ".join(inst), " northern" if hemisphere == 1 else " southern", " hemisphere, {:} to {:}".format(stime, etime)]) default_file = None elif len(good_files) == 1: default_file = os.path.join(boundary_dir, good_files[0]) if boundary_files[good_files[0]]['instrument'] in short_to_long.keys(): instrument = short_to_long[boundary_files[good_files[0]][ 'instrument']] else: instrument = boundary_files[good_files[0]]['instrument'] else: # Rate files by instrument default_inst = ['si13', 'si12', 'wic', 'amp', 'dmsp-ssj'] ordered_files = {default_inst.index(boundary_files[bb]['instrument']): bb for bb in good_files} bfile = ordered_files[min(ordered_files.keys())] default_file = os.path.join(boundary_dir, bfile) if boundary_files[bfile]['instrument'] in short_to_long.keys(): instrument = short_to_long[boundary_files[bfile]['instrument']] else: instrument = boundary_files[bfile]['instrument'] return default_file, instrument